BEP 40 – 求职面试英语: 第一轮面试 (部分 1)

今天的商务英语播客ESL课程是由两部分组成的系列中的第一部分,该系列紧随求职者William Chow在一家国际银行的首次采访之后.

在此播客中,您将学习如何应对一些典型的第一轮比赛 英语求职面试题. 一路上,您还将为求职面试练习一些很棒的新词汇和有用的短语.

在对话中,我们将聆听William受邀在Mercantile International香港主要分支机构的业务发展部门担任职位时的讲话。. 迈克·沃纳, 香港商业国际有限公司人力资源经理, 正在进行面试.


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18 关于“BEP”的思考 40 – 求职面试英语: 第一轮面试 (部分 1)”

  1. I can’t believe my luck….I have three very advanced students from Europe who have asked me if we can practice job interviews in classall are coming to the end of their university studies, and will be entering the job market, and all will be looking for jobs in financial institutions.
    Your two podcasts on this very subject are perfectthank you for making my job so much easier!

  2. 回拨: Learning Center » BEP 40 ADV - 工作面试: 第一轮面试 (部分 1)

  3. Ksenia Kharitonova

    Thank you more than much, this is a great piece of work.

    I’m just going to apply for a very good job in an international company, and it’s enormously useful for me.

  4. Thank you for the materials, it’s very useful for me as I’m looking for a new job right now.
    But may I suggest that to have some role play conversation regarding the secretarial or clerical job interviews?
    As I found the materials here are major regarding the management level interviews only, therefore I’m pleased to learn more about some general level job interviews.

  5. Great idea Rebecca.
    We plan to cover different interview scenarios in later podcasts. Additionally we are writing a couple of vocabulary podcasts on administration/back office vocabulary that should also be useful for your particular need.

  6. Thank you for these lessons. They are really very useful.
    I would like to hear a new lesson of this topic with the name: “Phone Screenings”. This is the very first phase of recruitment process, 当招聘人员就您申请的职位联系您或想要提供新职位时. 电话筛选在求职中至关重要,因为它可能会带来第一次面试并获得工作机会,或者您可能会立即从众多候选人中被筛选出来.
    我认为这对每个正在找工作的人都有用. 问候, Laszlo (从伦敦)

  7. 另一个好主意. 谢谢拉齐奥!
    我们也在求职面试中集思广益了一些自己的想法, 我们肯定会发布更多关于这个主题的播客 2009.

  8. 回拨: 班级 3.07 « 我的博客

  9. 首先我要向BEP整个团队表示最深切的感谢.
    It’s really worth listening to these podcasts.

  10. useful and help me a lot.
    I am going to apply for english-speaking company, and this post provide terms help me a lot.


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