技能 360 – 組織你的想法 (部分 2)

歡迎回到技能 360 今天關於組織想法的課程的播客.

上週我們研究了幾種集思廣益的方法. 但是一旦你有了一大堆想法, 你打算怎麼處理他們? 這就是我們今天要講的.



1. 在你的工作中有哪些不同的情況你必須說服別人?
2. 你通常會花多少時間準備一小時的演講?
3. 你使用什麼技術來發展和組織你的想法?

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技能 360 – 組織你的想法 (部分 1)

在今天的課程中, 打算看看如何組織你的想法.

當談到想法時, 你可能有很多. 當然可以, 他們對你很重要. 但它們對其他人重要嗎? 出色地, 他們可能是, 但前提是它們清晰有序. 當人們用模糊的語言詳細地談論他們的想法時,您可能會感到沮喪. 當有人在一個想法之間混亂地跳來跳去而沒有將它們與一個目的聯繫在一起時,您可能已經註意到. 那是行不通的. 有時獲勝的並不是最好的想法, 但最清晰的表達.

今天我們將看看幾個不同的產生想法的框架. 在這種情況下, 我們正在使用一種組織形式來真正讓想法流動起來.


1. 你有什麼特別的集思廣益的方法嗎?
2. 想想你認為說得好的人. 他/她如何組織想法?
3. 你有沒有寫出優點和缺點或優點和缺點的清單?

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BEP 218 – 討論網站重新設計

在本商務英語Pod課程中, 我們來看看 vocabulary and collocations for discussing the redesign of a website.

In the Internet age, every company needs a web presence. The foundation of this presence is a good website. This is where customers and the public can go to find information, engage with each other and the business, 和, in many cases, purchase products and services.

It’s essential that your website is designed to convey the right image and send the right message. Not only does it have to look great, but it needs to be usable as well. This means that it must be laid out in a way that will help people find what they’re looking for with ease. Internet users have a very short attention span, so if they can’t get around your site easily, they’ll quickly move on to something else.

在我們聽之前, 讓我們來談談搭配. 搭配是母語人士經常一起使用的一組詞. 正確的搭配聽起來很自然, 雖然不正確的搭配聽起來不自然. 例如, in English we say “go online” to talk about using the Internet. But we can’t say “proceed online” or “travel online,” even though “proceed” and “travel” mean “go.” Those simply aren’t natural expressions.

你會在今天的對話中聽到很多有用的搭配. 當你聽, 試著挑出這些自然的單詞組合. 然後我們將解釋它們的含義以及如何在匯報中使用它們.

We’re going to hear a conversation between a website designer named Andy and his client Penny. Penny’s company has contracted Andy to redesign their site. They are looking at the new website and discussing its features.


1. What does Penny think of the website’s layout?
2. Why does Andy show Penny the website on his tablet?
3. What does Penny need to learn to do with the website?

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本 18 – 奧運事務

Business English News - The Olympics

在這個 商務英語新聞課, we take a look at the economic aspects of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortiuswill be in full force this year as London hosts the 30th Olympic Games. 然而, it won’t be just the athletes trying to go ‘higher, faster, stronger’, but also companies poised to rake in the dough in what many hope will be a financial windfall.

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商務英語新聞 15 – 臉書首次公開募股

The value of ‘likesand ‘tagsgrew exponentially when Facebook filed its S-1 papers last month. Facebook will launch an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in May, paving the way for 27-year old founder Mark Zuckerberg, his staff, and even a graffiti artist to become exceptionally wealthy.

This month’s 商務英語新聞課 features lots of great vocabulary for talking about company valuations, growth and social networks. 使用下面的鏈接訪問本課程的免費成績單和測驗.

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