商務英語新聞 42 – 貿易戰

商務英語新聞 42 課 - 貿易戰

According to Donald Trump, “trade wars are easy to win.” 然而, as usual, reality appears to contradict Trump’s claims. In the current dispute between the U.S. and China, it doesn’t look like a winner will emerge any time soon. As CNN notes:

The Trump administration made good on its threat to raise tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese exports from 10% 至 25%, marking a sharp rise in tensions between the world’s two largest economies. After months of talks aimed at ending a year-long dispute that has already hurt global growth and rattled stock markets around the world, the latest US salvo risks triggering a new wave of tit-for-tat responses.

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BEP 324 – 討論公司績效的英語 (2)

BEP 324 課 - Business English Collocations for Describing Company Performance 2

歡迎回到 商務英語播客 for today’s 商務英語詞彙 lesson on how to describe company performance.

Every company’s goal is to make a profit. But how they go about that is different. Different industries, different business models, different approachesThere’s no simple recipe for success. And there’s no simple, single way to measure whether a company is performing well.

代替, we look at many different factors when we measure company performance. We’ve also got a lot of different expressions in English for discussing the topic. And many of these English expressions are what we call “collocations.”

What’s a collocation? 出色地, it’s just a natural combination of words. Ever heard the expressions “turn a profit” or “boost the bottom line?” We don’t say “grow a profit” or “up the bottom line.” Those simply aren’t natural collocations. And if you say something like that, you won’t sound natural.

So studying collocations is a great way to sound more natural with your vocabulary. You can learn combinations of words, rather than single words on their own. As you listen to the dialog today, try to pick out some of these collocations, 我們將稍後在匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, we’ll rejoin a meeting at a private equity firm. Three colleagues, 瑪麗亞, 克勞迪婭, 和泰勒, are talking about some of the companies they’ve invested in. They’ll use lots of great collocations as they discuss the performance of these companies.


1. What does Claudia think about SmartMoney?
2. What does Taylor think they should do before selling off SmartMoney?
3. What has Claudia been focusing on with Byron Industries?

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BEP 323 – 討論公司績效的英語 (1)

BEP 323 - 商務英語搭配討論公司績效

歡迎回到 商務英語播客 今天的英語課上談論公司績效.

經濟 處於不斷變化的狀態. 公司成長, 公司萎縮. 新公司誕生了, 和舊的消失. 您不必成為投資者即可對市場的興衰和公司如何應對的故事感到興奮. 但是如果你是投資者, 您的整個退休可能取決於公司是否在正確的時間做出正確的舉動.

這使得公司績效成為圍繞業務表的熱門話題, 或在酒吧. 當我們談論公司績效時, 我們經常使用稱為並置的特殊表達式. 一個 英語搭配 是常用詞的組合, 如 “公司業績” 或者 “變化的狀態。”

母語使用者會自動使用這些搭配. 實際上, 我們的大腦將這些詞組存儲在一起, 好像他們是一個字. 您也可以學會記住並使用這些搭配. 學習搭配是學習詞彙和聽起來更自然的好方法. 所以, 當您聽對話時, 嘗試挑選一些搭配,我們將在稍後的匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, 我們會聽到瑪麗亞, 克勞迪婭, 和泰勒, 在私募股權公司工作的人. 基本上, 投資於合適的公司以獲取最大利潤是他們的工作. 三人正在討論他們選擇投資的幾家公司的業績.


1. 克勞迪婭(Claudia)為什麼對Ranger Gold的表現持樂觀態度?
2. 如果遊俠金幣(Ranger Gold)建立新礦山,泰勒擔心會發生什麼??
3. Maria認為Intuition Software需要做什麼才能保持盈利?

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商務英語新聞 40 – 再生能源

Business English News Lesson 40 - 再生能源

Early energy sources were simple; fire was discovered to heat things, and then along came conversionsuch as fire under a kettle producing steam. But times have changed, and the impact of using non-renewable sources of energy, or fossil fuels, is one that we can no longer afford to ignore. Putting the climate change debate aside, there are real commercial opportunities that businesses and governments can, and should, consider.

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商務英語新聞 39 – 印度經濟展望

商務英語新聞 39 - 印度經濟展望

Emerging markets have been through a lot over the past few years: The oil-price drop in 2014; China’s botched devaluation of its currency in 2015; and India’s bungled “demonetization” in late 2016. 今年, 然而, seems to be putting all that in the past, particularly for India. The BRIC nation has made strides in all areas which has led to a boom in business

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