BEP 332 – 業務發展 3: 跟進前景

銷售英語 - BEP 332 業務發展 3: 跟進客戶

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 跟進前景.

商務英語 發展全是關於對話的藝術. 一個微笑, 一些聊天, 還有一些很好的問題應該可以告訴您,是否值得跟進. 當您跟進時, 你需要把你的 英語對話 更高水平的技能.

當您跟進潛在客戶時, 您可能會從一些開始 英語閒聊. 但是不久之後,您將不得不引導對話走向業務. 進一步來說, 您可能會問一些主要問題,以使他們有機會談論他們的挑戰. 從那裡, 您可以設置解決方案, 並將這些解決方案與他們的目標聯繫起來. 如果他們一路上有疑問, 您需要解決這些問題. 如果你成功了, 您應該能夠安排一次後續會議.

在今天的對話中, 我們會聽到尼克, 在一家人力資源諮詢公司從事業務開發的人. 他正在和安德里亞通電話, 一家製造公司的人力資源經理. 尼克在一次會議上認識了安德里亞, 現在他正在嘗試尋找有關Andria作為客戶的潛力的更多信息.


1. 尼克說他想了解哪些人事部門?
2. 尼克說參與度調查可以幫助您?
3. 尼克請安德里亞(Andria)更詳細地解釋什麼疑問?

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BEP 326 – 業務發展 2: 與合作夥伴建立聯繫

銷售英語 - BEP 326 業務發展 2

歡迎回到 商務英語播客 今天的課程 用英語交流 與潛在合作夥伴.

每個業務開發專業人員都知道用英語開展業務意味著知道如何在會議室工作. 你去參加活動, 派對, 和聚會. 你笑了, 握手, 和新朋友聊天. 但這還不是全部. 您必須弄清楚這些人如何適應您的網絡. 他們是潛在客戶嗎? 還是他們潛在的合作夥伴?

您與潛在合作夥伴使用的策略與您在任何潛在合作夥伴中可能使用的策略相似 銷售英語對話. 您需要從破冰開始,詢問某人的公司和工作. 但是一旦你意識到自己已經有了一個可以成為好伴侶的人, 您應該開始發現工作重疊,並與該人建立聯繫.

在今天的對話中, 我們會聽到尼克, Quest HR Consulting的業務發展專家. 尼克在會議上參加飯後聚會, 當他開始與伊恩對話時, 戰略顧問. 尼克使用一些重要的技巧來開始對話,並將伊恩發展為潛在的合作夥伴.


1. 尼克評論與伊恩(Ian)打破僵局的話題是什麼?
2. 尼克和伊恩的作品有哪些重疊之處?
3. 伊恩提到尼克同意或回應的主題是什麼?

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BEP 325 – 業務發展 1: 與客戶建立聯繫

銷售英語 - BEP 325 業務發展 1

歡迎回到 商務英語播客 今天的課程 how to talk with customers in English. Potential customers, 那是.

If you work in sales or business development, a big part of your job is meeting new people in search of new customers. That might include cold-calling, where you phone someone at work or drop by their office. But often this kind of networking takes place at events, like conferences, forums, and pretty much anywhere else you have a lot of people in one place.

At these events, you don’t usually begin a conversation talking about business. 代替, you talk about the weather, or sports, or other non-work topics. This is where 用英語進行社交 and doing business in English are closely connected. You’ve got to break the ice socially before you introduce your company, the work that you do, and other clients. And then you’ve got to lead into talking about the customer’s needs and asking to follow up at a later time. The trick is doing this naturally.

在今天的對話中, 我們會聽到尼克, 在一家人力資源諮詢公司從事業務開發的人. Nick is at a dinner event during a big HR conference. He is seated at a table with Andria. Nick clearly demonstrates how an English sales conversation works, as he identifies Andria as a potential customer.


1. How does Nick introduce his company?
2. What do Nick’s company and Andria’s company have in common?
3. What does Nick ask to identify a gap in Andria’s HR strategy?

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BEP 318 – 商業社交: 與客戶簽到 (2)

商務英語播客 318 課 - Socializing with Clients in English 2

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 用英語進行社交 with your clients on the phone.

There’s an old saying that you should never mix business and pleasure. 當然可以, it might not be a good idea to get too close to your customers and clients. But if you are all business, and you shy away from anything personal, you’ll seem cold. And people won’t connect with you.

最終, you have to find the right balance. You want to be personable, but not nosy. You want to be friendly, but not pushy. And you have to take your time. A conversation with a new customer will be naturally more formal than with an established one. That’s true not only in person, but on the phone as well.

在我們的最後一課中, we learned about paying a visit to a client’s office. 今天, we’ll look at checking in with a client by phone. 正如您將聽到的, we often make friendly conversation at the beginning of the call, and you might find yourself showing understanding of a client’s personal situation. But eventually you’ll want to switch from the personal to business. And once you’re talking business, you might mention personal connections, gauge needs, and discuss developments in your industry. This is all part of maintaining and building a relationship with your client.

在今天的對話中, we’ll rejoin Markus, an account manager for a company that sells servers. Markus is calling up a client named Jana. He wants to check in with her, find out how she’s doing, and see if she needs anything. And you’ll hear him strike a balance between business and personal issues.


1. Jana mentions a personal issue at the start of the conversation. 它是什麼?
2. When Markus switches from personal matters to business, what topic does he mention?
3. How does Markus ask Jana about their server needs?

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BEP 317 – 商業社交: 與客戶簽到 (1)

商務英語播客 317 - English for Socializing with Clients 1

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 用英語進行社交 with your clients.

Business is all about relationships. And the stronger your relationships are, especially with customers or clients, the more successful you’ll be. This is why we call up our customers or drop by their office. Sometimes we’ve got important business to take care of, but sometimes all we need to do is say hello and check in.

實際上, visiting with clients often sounds like a chat between friends. We might talk about sports, about family, about travel, or about mutual friends. 當然, it takes a while to get to this level with a customer. But once we’re there, our conversations are likely to be an interesting mix of the personal and professional.

Bouncing between these two modes naturally is the secret to the client visit. You might find yourself starting out by introducing some interesting piece of news. 在某一點, you may want to gauge the client’s satisfaction with your products or services. And the conversation may also turn naturally to gossiping about the competition. If a client needs a decision or information, you may have to promise to check back on it. 最後, you might want to make a social invitation, and move the relationship-building out of the office.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear Markus, who works as an account manager for a company that sells computer servers. He is visiting the offices of one of his clients, a large Internet service provider. We’ll hear Markus chatting with Jose, his main client contact, and Tricia, another manager.


1. What news does Markus deliver to Jose?
2. What does Markus say about his company’s competitor?
3. What does Markus offer to do next Friday?

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