925 英語課 29 – 談論英語可能性

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在今天的 925 英文影片 課, we’re going to learn how to talk about possibility in English.

What do I mean bypossibility?” I mean answering questions like: will the stock market go up? Will you get that job you applied for? Will your manager be in a good mood today? Maybe? Probably? Or probably not? This is how we talk about possibility.

Let’s start withprobably.That means you are pretty sure something will happen. You’re not certain. It’s not 100%. But you can say you’re fairly certain that something will happen. That’s like saying it’s 80 或者 90 percent. Another way of saying the same thing isthere’s a really good chance.” 在這種情況下, “chancedoesn’t mean opportunity. It means probability.

925 English is a course of English video lessons 對於初學者 (CEFR A2 級) 英語學習者. 和 925 English video lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 英語課 28 – 使用英語假設

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在今天的 925 英文影片 課, we’re going to learn how to talk about hypothetical situations in English.

Humans are always using their imagination. Sometimes we think about what might happen in the future. Other times we have to imagine different situations in order to figure out what is the best decision to make today or in the future. And when we talk about ideas like this, we use particular words and structures.

例如, when we introduce a hypotheticalor imagined – 情況, there are a few expressions we can use. We often start with the wordssay” 或者 “suppose.” 所以, something likesuppose you were the bossis understood asimagine you were the boss.You can also ask a question usingwhat if,” 如 “what if you were the boss?” That wordifis especially important. We’ll see that word again later in this lesson.

925 英語 是一個過程 英文影片 對於初學者 (CEFR A2 級) 英語學習者. 和 925 English video lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 英語課 27 – 用問題來詢問細節

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在今天的 925 英文影片 課, we’re going to learn how to use questions in English to ask for details.

It would be great if everyone always told us exactly what we need to know. But it doesn’t usually happen. When we want detailed information, we need to go out and get it. And that means asking people questions.

You can confirm information with simple yes / no questions, likeDo you sell printers?” 或者 “Are you the manager?” But I want to start by looking at questions that get different kinds of information, not just ayes” 或者 “沒有” answer. And one of the best ways to get information is with WH questions. We have five WH words in English: who, 什麼, 在哪裡, 什麼時候, 以及為什麼. You might also usehow,” which has awand an “H” but not in that order.

925 英語 是一個過程 商務英語視頻 初學者課程 (CEFR A2 級) 英語學習者. 和 925 您可以學習英語課程,以在工作和商務中使用商務英語表達.

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925 英語課 26 – 提出並回應建議

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在今天的 925 英文影片 課, 我們將學習如何用英語提出和回應建議.

在工作情況下, 人們不斷提出建議. 可能是簡單的事情, 喜歡去哪裡吃午餐. 或者可能是一個複雜的問題, 喜歡如何增加銷量. 您可能會用英文給一個建議, 或整個會議中的整個人群.

提出建議意味著陳述一個可能的選擇. 這就是為什麼我們經常使用問題提出建議的原因, 如 “What about” 或者 “Have you tried.And with these expressions, 您必須使用動詞的-ing形式, 如 “What about asking our manager?” But there are other expressions that just use the base form of the verb, 不加-ing. The expressionsWhy don’t we” 和 “Let’sboth work in this way. 例如, we might sayWhy don’t we go to Spain?”

925 英語 是一個過程 商務英語視頻 初學者課程 (CEFR A2 級) 英語學習者. 和 925 您可以學習英語課程,以在工作和商務中使用商務英語表達.

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925 英語課 25 – 詢問和給出指示

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在今天的 925 英文影片 課, 我們將學習如何用英語詢問和指路.

如果我們手機上的地圖應用程序很完美就好了. 但即使有技術的幫助, 在一個新的城市我們可能會感到困惑, 一個新的社區, 或新的辦公樓. 當我們這樣做時, 我們需要能夠尋求幫助.

用英語問路的一種簡單方法是詢問某人是否 “知道某物在哪裡。” 或者你可以直接說你正在尋找某個地方, 無論是建築物, 或建築物內的房間. 另一種禮貌的問路方式是使用這樣的表達方式 “你能告訴我怎麼去嗎” 一個地方.

925 英語 是一個過程 視頻英語 初級課程 (CEFR A2) 英語學習者. 和 925 您可以學習英語課程,以在工作和商務中使用商務英語表達.

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