最佳實踐 393 – English Idioms about Body Parts (1)

最佳實踐 393 - English Idioms about Body Parts (1)

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 英語慣用語 related to different parts of the body.

Now you probably already know that when I said “head over to” the website, I meant you should go look at the website. Even if you didn’t know that particular expression, you could probably guess the meaning from my sentence. “Head over tois a kind of idiom, and English has a lot of idioms, as you’ve probably noticed!

實際上, there are many common sources of idioms. And one interesting source is the human body. There are a few body parts in particular that have generated a lot of idioms. English has dozens of idioms just with the words “head” and “hands.” But there are idioms using all different parts of the body, and that’s what we’re going to learn about today.

在本課中, we’ll listen to a conversation between two friends and former colleagues: Maria and Trevor. They’re meeting for coffee and are eager to catch up after not seeing each other for a while. Maria and Trevor talk about their different work situations. During their conversation, they use many 英語慣用語 related to the human body. 看看你是否能在我們通過對話時發現其中的一些, 我們稍後會在匯報中解釋它們.


1. How does Trevor agree with Maria’s assessment of her old boss Roger?
2. How does Maria describe her ten years of working at Trevor’s company?
3. What does Maria say about the attitude of the people she works with?

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