BEP 114 – 求職面試英語: 人力資源審查候選人

BEP 114 - 求職面試聽力

作為我們系列的一部分 工作面試, 在這個商務英語播客節目中,我們將從人力資源的角度仔細研究這個過程. 具體來說, 我們將研究決定僱用誰的語言.

快速消費品公司 Fun Beverages 的巴西業務部門最近面試了幾位人力資源經理職位. 現為區域人力資源總監, 泰德, 和事業部總經理, 喬治, 正在開會討論入圍名單, 或最終, 候選人.

當你聽, 注意他們用來比較兩位受訪者並決定哪一位最適合的語言. 此外, 我們將研究他們​​如何支持候選人, 強調優先事項, 明確保留 (或第二個想法), 並建議行動.


1. 他們更喜歡哪個候選人以及為什麼?
2. 兩個主要候選人的相對優勢和劣勢是什麼, 羅納爾多和亞拉?
3. 關於雅拉的主要保留是什麼?

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8 關於「BEP」的思考 114 – 求職面試英語: 人力資源審查候選人”

  1. These pods are very interesting …. I was find out about Business English last months, but specifically, I didn’t find something….

  2. Hello Renata,
    Have you tried to ‘right-clickon the download link above and then select ‘save target as’? The file will then be saved to your ‘downloadsfolder on your computer.

    If you just click normally on the download link, it will open the MP3 in a new window but it won’t actually save the file on your computer.

    Once you have the file downloaded, you should be able to transfer it to any MP3 player to listen to it. You can also use one of the free software options explained on this page to automatically download podcasts as they are published:

  3. to save the MP3 .. right click on the DOWNLOAD link and select SAVE TRAGET AS . and select the place you want to save it. ;-)


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