BEP 345 – 경영영어: 갈등 해결 (2)

BEP 345 수업 - 경영영어: 갈등 해결 (2)

오늘의 강의를 위해 Business English Pod에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 resolving conflict in the workplace.

Conflict happens. There’s no way around it. But not everyone has the same attitude toward conflict. Some people run from it, or refuse to even admit it exists. Other people acknowledge it but simply hope it goes away on its own. And some people are able to approach it with confidence, dealing with it openly and honestly.

The first step in conflict resolution is for the people involved to sit down and try to work it out themselves. But that doesn’t always work, and in many cases it takes a third party to attempt to find solutions. That third party might be a peer, 또는 동료. But mostly it’s a manager or leader. 사실은, helping mediate conflict between people is an important function of a manager.

Effective mediation is a tricky business. You need to help people have the open and honest conversations that they might not be able to have on their own. Part of that involves ensuring each person has their turn to speak. One of your aims, 물론, is common understanding, so you may need to encourage empathy and confirm understanding at different steps along the way.

As a conflict mediator, your ultimate aim it to find a solution. 하기 위해서, you’ll want to have people agree on a common goal. You may also ask them to focus on positive actions, rather than negative ones. Positive actions are more solution-focused.

오늘 대화에서, we’ll continue hearing about a conflict between Trevor and Andrew, two retail managers in the same company. Trevor has tried talking with Andrew about their personal conflict, but they haven’t been able to reach a clear solution. So their boss Ann has stepped in as a third-party to help resolve the conflict.

듣기 질문

1. What does Ann do when Trevor interrupts Andrew at the start of the dialog?
2. After Andrew explains his side of the story, what does Ann ask Trevor?
3. What is the common goal for the solution Ann proposes?

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BEP 344 – 경영영어: 갈등 해결 (1)

Business English Lesson BEP 344 - 경영영어: 갈등 해결 (1)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to resolve conflict.

Just say the wordconflictand people usually get uncomfortable. Most people want to avoid conflict at all costs. But conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. 사실은, it’s a natural result of people working in groups. And in a healthy organization, conflict can actually be constructive. It can lead to personal and professional growth, as well as new ideas and ways of working.

But those positive results of conflict can only be realized if people are willing to face conflict directly and honestly. If people ignore conflict, or refuse to face it, then bad things can happen. Unresolved conflict leads to toxicity and poisoned relationships or teams. Given enough time, it can destroy a company.

So if you experience conflict with someone at work, what can you do? 잘, the first step involves trying to work things out one-on-one. You need to talk, privately and openly. And when you do, it’s important to focus on the impact of the other person’s behavior and to try to identify the root cause of the problem. 동시에, you should consider the other sides views and ask them about their perceptions, rather than just focusing on yours. Stick to the facts as you try to resist arguing, and always look for possible solutions.

오늘 대화에서, we’ll hear a retail manager named Trevor try to resolve a conflict he’s having with Andrew, a manager at another store in the same company. Trevor is trying to calmly deal with the situation and find a way to improve their working relationship.

듣기 질문

1. What does Trevor say he felt as a result of Andrew’s behavior?
2. How does Trevor respond when Andrew gives him examples of employees that have changed workplaces?
3. What solution does Trevor propose?

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BEP 336 – 변경 관리 논의를위한 영어 (2)

BEP 336 - 변화 관리 논의를 위한 비즈니스 영어 Collocations (2)

오늘의 강의를 위해 Business English Pod에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 영어 배치 변경 관리를 논의하는 데 사용.

21세기에는 변화의 속도가 매우 빠릅니다.. 기업은 따라잡기 위해 싸워야 합니다., 세계와 경제의 변화에 ​​적응하기 위해. 전세계 회의실에서, 사람들은 변화의 문제에 대해 토론하고 있습니다. 밀레니얼 세대를 유치하고 유지하는 방법? 신흥 미디어를 잘 활용하는 방법? 더 효율적이 되는 방법? 우리는 어떻게 아웃소싱 할 수 있습니까?? 질문 목록은 계속됩니다.

오늘 수업에서는, 많은 성장을 경험한 회사에서 미팅을 듣겠습니다.. 하지만 성공에는 성장통이 따른다. 그들은 회사 구조 조정에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다, 그리고 그것에 대해 정확히 어떻게 해야할지 알아내려고 노력하고.

그들의 토론 중에, you’ll hear many English expressions that we callcollocations.” 연어는 단어의 자연스러운 조합입니다.. 예를 들어, you’ll hear people talking about making asmooth transition.We don’t saysofttransition orcleantransition. Native English speakers always saysmooth transitionbecause that’s what they grew up hearing, so now it’s a natural collocation.

영어로 자라지 않아도, 당신은 이러한 자연스러운 표현을 배울 수 있습니다. 공부함으로써 비즈니스 영어 코디, 당신은 당신의 어휘를 향상시키고 더 유창하게 들릴 것입니다. 대화를 들으면서, 이러한 배열 중 일부를 골라 내고 나중에 브리핑에서 논의 할 것입니다..

대화 상자에서, 우리는 로렌을 듣게 될 것입니다, 핀 사람, 그리고 제이크. 그들은 자신이 설립한 회사를 다음 단계로 끌어올리는 방법을 결정하려고 합니다.. 특히, 그들은 변화에 대한 토론에 회사 직원을 참여시키는 방법에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다..

듣기 질문

1. 핀에 따르면, 직원들에게 단순히 말하는 것이 아니라 무엇을 보여줘야 하는지?
2. 직원들과의 대화 외에, Lauren은 무엇을 평가해야 한다고 생각합니까??
3. What does Jake say they will do during the “discussion phase” of the process?

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BEP 335 – 변경 관리 논의를위한 영어 (1)

BEP 335 - English Collocations for Discussing Change Management (1)

오늘의 강의를 위해 Business English Pod에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 영어 배치 for discussing change management.

변화는 일정하다. Nowhere is this more true than in business. Just look at the list of Fortune 500 companies from 50 여러 해 전에. You might be surprised by how many of those well-known companies are now gone. So what’s the difference between a company that survives and one that dies? A lot of it is about how they manage change.

이번 강의에서는, we’ll listen to a meeting featuring three colleagues who are trying to figure out how to restructure their company. 토론 중, you’ll hear lots of useful expressions that we callcollocations.And what is a collocation? 잘, it’s just a group of words that go together naturally. You heard me use the expressionrestructure a company.That’s a collocation. The words go together as one expression.

Native speakers learn collocations naturally. They simply repeat expressions that they’ve heard hundreds of times. If English is your second language, 하나, it might not come so automatically. 그러나, by studying collocations, you can improve your vocabulary and sound more fluent at the same time. 오늘 대화를 들으면서, 이들 중 일부를 골라보십시오 비즈니스 영어 코디 나중에보고에서 논의 할 것입니다..

대화 상자에서, we’ll hear Jake, 핀 사람, and Lauren. The company they founded has grown, and now they need to carefully manage the transition to a larger company.

듣기 질문

1. What does Finn think is required to manage change in their company?
2. What does Lauren say is the first step in change management?
3. What does Jake believe is driving change in the company?

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BEP 303 – 출장 6: 전략적 변화 논의


다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 비즈니스 영어 포드 for today’s lesson on discussing strategic change.

The world of business and the economy are constantly changing. And businesses need to respond with their own changes, or risk getting left behind. But change can be difficult both for people and for organizations. As a leader of people in a changing organization, you might face resistance. So you need to be able to manage change well. And that often involves effective discussions with others in the company about strategic change.

물론이야, change is easier when the general feeling in a company is positive. And that’s why you might need to gauge morale when you’re talking with others. That will help you figure out how to manage the change. But managing change doesn’t mean promising that it will be easy. 대신에, you should carefully warn others about possible difficulties.

Another thing you should do is to be clear about messaging. Change is a lot easier if everyone has the same idea about what’s happening and why. It’s also a lot easier if you can show the benefits of the changes. And that’s why you should talk about change as an opportunity that can help the company, and its people. If you can successfully show people that change is an opportunity, then you should get a positive response when you ask people whether they’re committed to the changes at hand.

오늘 대화에서, we’ll hear Cam and David, who work for an American clothing company called Boston Vintage. David is the manager of the company’s Shanghai office. Cam is a production manager who is visiting China to meet with the company’s staff and look at new production facilities. In an earlier conversation, Cam told David that the company has made the strategic decision to focus on Southeast Asia rather than China.

듣기 질문

1. How does Cam gauge morale, or ask about the overall feeling among staff?
2. What is the basic explanation for the change that Cam wants David to communicate?
3. According to Cam, why is this change an opportunity for David?

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