비즈니스 영어

비즈니스 영어 포드 수업은 모든 수준의 비즈니스 영어에 적합합니다.. 수업에서는 회의를 위한 모든 종류의 직장 영어 능력을 살펴봅니다., 프리젠 테이션, 전화통화, 협상 중, 취업 면접, 여행하다, 그리고 비즈니스 대화.

BEP 37c – 프레젠테이션을 위한 영어: 질문과 답변 (2)

BEP 37c LESSON - English for Presentations: Questions and Answers 2

강의의 두 번째 부분 인 Business English Pod에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다. 프리젠 테이션을위한 영어 and handling a question and answer session at the end of a presentation.

Presentations can be stressful. Speaking in front of the public, or even just your colleagues, makes even confident people nervous. And there’s one part of a presentation in particular that might dial up the nerves: the questions people ask at the end of your presentation.

그만큼 큐&ㅏ requires you to think on your feet. Some of the questions you get might be really difficult. 그런 이유로, it may be important to check that your answers are sufficient for the question-asker. 동시에, the questions might not even be relevant! So you’ll need a strategy for that situation as well.

Sometimes a person will ask a question that you think you’re not the best person to answer. 그 경우, you can figure out who to redirect the question to. And if this entire Q&A situation is stressful, well at least you have some control. You can control the timing, instead of letting it go on forever.

이번 강의에서는, we’ll continue listening to a Q&A in a meeting at a steel company. 새긴 ​​금, a sales director, has just given a presentation. He and his boss Max are dealing with questions from Bryan and Cindy.

듣기 질문

1. After telling Cindy about measures of success, what question does Nick ask her?
2. What does Max say about Cindy’s question regarding morale and how the sales staff are feeling?
3. How does Nick respond to John’s question about marketing in the U.K.?

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BEP 36c – 프레젠테이션을 위한 영어: 질문과 답변 (1)

BEP 36c LESSON - English for Presentations: Questions and Answers 1

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to deal with the question and answer session at the end of a 영어로 프리젠 테이션.

A presentation can be planned, 조직화, scripted, and rehearsed. But that’s simply not possible with the questions you might get at the end of your presentation. 확실한, you can try to anticipate what people might ask, but you never really know. They may refer to specific points in your presentation and challenge you on these points.

이러한 이유로, you need the skills to handle whatever you’re faced with. And sometimes that means overcoming doubt or resistance to your ideas. You might have to use buffers to deal with tough questions and concede certain points to your audience. You may also find yourself clarifying a point and paraphrasing your audience’s questions.

이번 강의에서는, we’ll listen to the Q&A following a presentation in English by Nick, 철강회사 영업이사. Bryan and Cindy are posing some difficult questions. 새긴 ​​금, and his boss Max, are using several techniques for dealing with these questions.

듣기 질문

1. How does Nick respond at first when Bryan asks a tough question about the survey results?
2. Cindy begins to ask a question about retraining the salespeople. What does Nick say to clarify what he meant?
3. How does Nick deal with Cindy’s question about measuring success?

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기술 360 – 문제 해결 2: 문제 해결 과정

Business English Skills 360 - Problem-Solving Skills 2

다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 비즈니스 영어 기술 360 podcast as we continue our look at problem-solving. 이번 강의에서는, we’ll focus on the process of solving problems.

As we talked about in our last lesson, the first step in 문제 해결 is analysis. This means gathering all the relevant information and understanding the problem’s causes. It’s important to look at the situation from different perspectives and ensure that everyone involved has a shared understanding of the issue. Without this, you risk coming up with solutions that aren’t feasible or acceptable.

Once the problem is understood, the next step is to define your goals. Many people skip this, but it’s essential to clarify what a good solution would look like. Set clear guidelines, including your timeline, 예산, and who is responsible for what. This ensures everyone is aligned and focused on the same objectives.

지금, you can move on to 브레인 스토밍 possible solutions. Encourage creativity and seek input from a variety of people. It’s important to separate the generation of ideas from the evaluation. Don’t judge ideas too quickly, just focus on coming up with as many as possible. This will give you a broad range of options to choose from later.

After generating ideas, it’s time to evaluate and select the best solution. The “best” solution is the one that fits the goals and criteria you set earlier. 기억하다, there’s no perfect solution, only the most practical and effective given the circumstances. Make sure the chosen solution is something everyone can support.

드디어, the last step is evaluation. After implementing the solution, take time to reflect. Did it work as expected? Could anything have been done differently? This reflection helps improve your problem-solving process and prepares you for future challenges.

Problem-solving requires a clear, structured approach. By following these five steps – 분석, goal-setting, 브레인 스토밍, decision-making, and evaluationyou can tackle problems more effectively and find the optimal solution.

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기술 360 – 문제 해결 1: 올바른 기술 개발

Business English Skills 360 - Problem-Solving Skills 1

다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 비즈니스 영어 기술 360 podcast as we look at solving problems. 이번 강의에서는, we’ll focus on the skills you need to solve problems.

Problems are an unavoidable part of life and work, 그리고 사업 중, your ability to solve them is critical. 다행히도, problem-solving skills can be developed.

The first key skill is analytical thinking. Instead of trying to come up with any old solution, take time to thoroughly understand the problem. What caused it? Can it be broken down into parts? Analyzing a problem requires critical thinking, which helps you understand connections, prioritize, and identify patterns.

Next is creativity, which involves looking at the problem from different perspectives and asking open-ended questions. Creativity, paired with analytical skills, leads to innovative solutions, as it helps you break free from conventional thinking. 하나, trial and error is often part of the process, and that’s where resilience comes in. Resilience is the ability to stay focused and calm when problems get tough. It’s about persevering, even when your first idea doesn’t work.

Collaboration is another crucial skill, as problem-solving often involves working with others. Effective communication and emotional intelligence are vital in navigating complex group dynamics, especially when tensions are high. 드디어, decisiveness is essential to avoid getting stuck inanalysis paralysis.Making decisions, even with limited information, is crucial for moving forward.

Developing these skills – 분석, creativity, resilience, 협동, and decisivenesswill significantly enhance your problem-solving abilities.

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벤 57 – 로봇: 미래로 귀환

Business English News 57 - Robots and Tech

이에 비즈니스 영어 로봇의 부활에 대한 뉴스 강의, 로봇 공학과 관련된 비즈니스 영어 어휘를 살펴보고 과학 기술.

최근 생성 AI가 헤드라인을 장식하고 있지만, 로봇공학의 세계는 빠른 속도로 발전해왔습니다.. 로봇산업이 기하급수적으로 확대되고 있다., 주로 대중매체의 주목을 받지 못하지만. 과, MSN이 설명하는 대로, 사업이 호황을 누리고 있다:

국제로봇연맹(International Federation of Robotics)의 발표에 따르면, 전 세계 운영 로봇의 재고가 이제 도달했습니다. 3.5 백만 단위, 설치 가치가 예상 금액에 도달했습니다. $16 10억. 연맹에 따르면, 로봇공학은 이제 전 세계 제조업체의 변화하는 요구에 근본적인 역할을 하고 있습니다..

물론이야, 로봇에 대해 이야기하면 즉시 자동차 제조가 떠오를 것입니다., 그리고 자동차 제조업체는 확실히 가장 초기에 채택한 업체 중 하나였습니다.. 하지만 더 이상 자동차 산업만이 아닙니다.. 로봇이 소규모로 배치되고 있습니다., 인간과 함께, 조립 라인 제조 외부. 로봇은 경제 전반에 걸쳐 응용 분야를 찾았습니다., 크고 작은 회사를 위한.

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