BEP 53 – 고객 서비스: 불만 처리 1: 공감

Good customer service is essential to success in any industry, but it is particularly important in the service and hospitality sector. “Hospitalitymeans treating guests well; and here, we’re talking specifically about hotels. Because service is so vital to hospitality, hotels are a good place to look for excellent service practices.

So today we’ll be listening in on a phone call from an angry customer at the Majestic, a five-star hotel in Shanghai. By listening to a bad example and a good example of service practice, we’ll be studying skills that are useful in any industry, no matter whether you are dealing with internal or external customers.

We’ll see that a very important part of handling angry customers is showing empathy: Empathy is similar to sympathyit means showing that you understand the customer’s pain.

듣기 질문

나쁜 예:
1) How does the customer, Steve, learn the service associate’s name?
2) What is Steve’s problem?
3) How could Jenna have handled the complaint better?

좋은 예:
1) When Steve says, “I’m at the end of my rope,” 그 사람이 무슨 뜻이야??
2) What does Sandy do to calm Steve down?

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8 “BEP에 대한 생각 53 – 고객 서비스: 불만 처리 1: 공감”

  1. These are very good examples, I understand the style, calm voice and showing concern are the main keys, but listening actively is very important

  2. Good points Moctar. The added bonus is that neither require advanced language skills, just a little practice and awareness of the techniques.

  3. They are useful Tips for a good customer service which we need to deal with difficult customers as well as with difficult coworkers,”Listening actively is very helpful to solve any dispute or misunderstanding”.

  4. 핑백: Business English Podcasts | Oral Business English

  5. ITs good to review the strategy of handling customer complaints. 예, empathy is very important and the first line of defence….People do tend to relax a little once you show them you understand and that you care….two very important points.

    A good review!

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