BEP 21 – 電話をかける: 通話の開始とメッセージの取得

このレッスンの新しいバージョンはここから入手できます: BEP 21 あ – 電話スキル: 通話を開始する

This is an intermediate level Business English Podcast on making telephone calls in English. Some of the key language phrases we cover in this episode are: 自分と発信者を特定する, 電話の目的を述べてメッセージを残す.

These telephone calls are about a contract between a large aircraft company and one of its suppliers, also known as a subcontractor. The contracts department from the client is calling to ask about a proposal it is expecting from the supplier for a new contract. すべての提案が受理されるまでの時間が非常に短い, そしてこれまでのところ, 航空機会社はこのサプライヤーから何も受け取っていません.

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BEP 15 – 電話をかける: 問題の処理

*アップデート: A new version of BEP 15 is available here. The new version includes a new recording of the explanations and greatly improved audio for the dialog and examples.

Problems, and more problems. Sometimes business seems to be all about dealing with problems. And when dealing with problems in a second language over the telephone, we need to be especially careful in our discussions, since we cannot see the reactions of the other party.

In today’s Business English Podcast we’ll listen to business people discussing a delivery problem over the phone. その後, we’ll review the language that is used to establish relationships, 問題について話し合い、解決策について合意する.

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