BEP 15 – 電話をかける: 問題の処理

*Update: A new version of BEP 15 is available here. The new version includes a new recording of the explanations and greatly improved audio for the dialog and examples.

Problems, and more problems. Sometimes business seems to be all about dealing with problems. And when dealing with problems in a second language over the telephone, we need to be especially careful in our discussions, since we cannot see the reactions of the other party.

In today’s Business English Podcast we’ll listen to business people discussing a delivery problem over the phone. その後, we’ll review the language that is used to establish relationships, 問題について話し合い、解決策について合意する.

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ビジネスニュース 02 – 文化的意識

今日, more than ever business success requires intercultural awareness and effective cross cultural communication skills.

Working, 会議, dealing, entertaining, negotiating and corresponding with colleagues or clients from different cultures can be full of obstacles. One wrong movement or basic misunderstanding could ruin or delay months of work.

Understanding and appreciating intercultural differences promotes clearer communication, breaks down barriers, builds trust, strengthens relationships, opens business opportunities.

Follow this link for great tips on business etiquette, customs and protocol for doing business worldwide:

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BEP 102 – プレゼンテーション: アイデアをリンクする

このレッスンは更新されました – ここで改善されたレッスンを見る.

In this Business English podcast we look at the language of signposting.

Signposting is informing listeners about what is to be presented in a presentation, and constantly informing listeners as to where they are during that presentation. The termsignpostingcomes from signs posted on street corners, which tell travelers where they are and where they are going.

ダイアログ内で, we’ll hear the middle of a presentation about sales performance. As you, listen focus on the phrases the presenter uses to signpost the structure of his talk.

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ビジネスニュース 1 – 職場でのコミュニケーション

The first of our regular business English news podcasts for English learners looks at how people communicate at work and the different factors that can affect how communication takes place. The news story is followed by a discussion of the key English vocabulary and an explanation of the meaning of the words in the context of this article.

We suggest that you first listen to the reading and make a note of any words you are not familiar with. Then read a copy of the article and see if you can guess the meaning of the words by looking at how it is used. ついに, listen to the explanation and discussion of the vocabulary and see if you guessed correctly. You can get a transcript of the story in the Archives ‘Transcripts’ セクション

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BEP 101 – プレゼンテーション: はじめに

このレッスンは更新されました – ここで改善されたレッスンを見る.

プレゼンテーションの導入をうまく行うことが、聴衆の注意を引く鍵となります. このビジネス英語ポッドキャスト エピソードでは、ビデオ会議中に社内プレゼンテーションを行う際に使用される言語、特に自己紹介に使用される言語について説明します。.

このポッドキャストは現在、 成功のためのプレゼンテーション電子書籍 ビジネス英語ポッド発行. このページから電子書籍をご覧いただけます: 職場での英語トレーニングのための成功のためのプレゼンテーション ESL 電子書籍

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | PhraseCast

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