Competenze 360 – Competenze di rete (Parte 2)

Ben tornato Competenze aziendali 360 per la seconda parte del nostro sguardo sulle competenze di rete. In questo episodio, ci concentreremo sulla "manutenzione della rete",” or how to make sure your network is healthy, organizzato, ed efficace.

Vedi, distribuire biglietti da visita non basta. Posso passare tutta la settimana a partecipare a eventi e parlare con le persone e riuscire a distribuire 200 biglietti da visita ma non hai ancora una rete sana ed efficace. Fare quello, devi mantenere la tua rete. Devi prendertene cura e rafforzare le sue connessioni. Devi far funzionare la tua rete. Come possiamo farlo??

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4 pensieri su “Competenze 360 – Competenze di rete (Parte 2)”

  1. Aloki Angličtina

    I love your business podcast. Not only I learn and improve English. I also learn some new business skills. Grazie. This is great product.

  2. This podcast is a great tool to learn business skills as well as English in my view. As a global businessperson I would like to keep learn this stuff.

    Sang-Woo Ji

  3. Business English podcast is one of the best advanced English teaching podcasts. I would like to thank the team for their time and dedication. I would also like to practice what I am learning here in this website and podcast. Anyone who is interested in practicing with me online, please reply to my message

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