BEP 17 – Incontri: Supportare la tua posizione (Parte I.)

*** This podcast has been updated with a new two-part series.***

Please click the links below to go to the new versions of this lesson:
BEP 17 (Redux) – Parte 1
BEP 17 (Redux) – Parte 2

In the first part of our series on making and supporting your arguments in meetings, copriamo la lingua inglese chiave utilizzata per organizzare i tuoi pensieri e supportare le tue idee. In later episodes we’ll look deeper into the topic and provide further examples of language you can use to support your position.

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6 pensieri su “BEP 17 – Incontri: Supportare la tua posizione (Parte I.)”

  1. Hi every one
    I strongly recommand all who want to improve their english to listen to these podcasts.
    Grazie mille!

  2. I am very interesting to english language as soon as possible in order to speak fluently. I met several obstacles to learn english before I got this website which helps me to improve my learning quickly.
    thanks for

  3. I really appreciate your lesson.
    So usefull for beginer as I am.
    Inoltre, the speaking is so clear and the debit so relevant for a lesson.
    Molte grazie.

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