BEP 25c – 旅游英语: Checking in for a Flight

BEP 25 - 旅游英语: Checking in for a Flight

欢迎回到 Business English Pod 参加今天关于在机场办理登机手续的课程.

这门商务英语课程是我们对一些旧课程的新系列的一部分. 我们保留了相同的对话框,但为低级学习者提供了新的解释和练习.

所以, 假设您在航班当天抵达机场. You walk up to the ticket counter tocheck in.” 你说什么? Well, 您需要首先告诉代理您要办理登机手续并提供有关您的航班的一些信息, 比如你要去哪里. You also need to check yourbaggage,” or your bags, 或许可以礼貌地请求你想要的座位.

实际上, 在整个谈话中保持礼貌很重要, 我们今天要学习的就是这种礼貌的语言和词汇. 您可能会发现我们学习的表达方式在许多不同的旅行情况下都非常有用.

在对话中,您将听到一位名叫罗伯特的旅行者. 罗伯特正在与机票代理交谈,因为他想办理登机手续. 仔细听,你会听到罗伯特和售票员谈论罗伯特的目的地, 他的包, 座位, 和票.


1. 罗伯特的最终目的地是什么?
2. 罗伯特想检查多少个手提箱?
3. 检查他的行李后, 罗伯特问售票员什么?
4. 罗伯特想坐在飞机上的哪个位置?

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BEP 248 – Socializing with Strangers (2)


欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 与陌生人交往.

想象一下,您在穿越太平洋的飞机上正在乘坐飞机. 您必须花几个小时坐在另一个人旁边. 您想变得友善,也许想知道这个人的工作以及这个人是谁. 所以你转向他或她然后张开嘴说话.

那你怎么说? 您如何开始对话然后继续进行? Well, 在任何旅行情况下,了解一些常见的话题和技巧都是很有用的. Today, 我们将询问一个人有关他们的目的地和旅行目的的信息. 我们还将学习如何通过回声邀请细节, 确定交叉点, 总结你的工作.

在对话框中, 我们将加入康妮和斯科特, 彼此坐在一起坐飞机去香港的人. 康妮开始与斯科特进行对话,并使用许多常见和简单的方法, 虽然并不总是那么容易, 与陌生人闲聊的方式.


1. 斯科特之行的目的是什么?
2. 斯科特和康妮发现他们有什么共同点?
3. 康妮做什么工作?

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BEP 247 – Socializing with Strangers (1)


Welcome back to 商务英语播客 今天的课程 社会化 与陌生人.

出行, 无论是商务还是休闲, 会让您与陌生人面对各种情况. 他们可能在火车上坐在你旁边, 在机场休息室, 或乘渡轮. 如果您想与这些人进行对话该怎么办? 您能说些什么让对话继续进行, 并保持下去?

Well, 与陌生人交谈是一项有用的技能, 在这些情况下,您可以学到一些很棒的技术. Today, 我们将通过评论周围的环境来探讨如何开始对话, 以及如何询问某人的旅行. 我们还将学习有关感兴趣地反应的信息, 讲个人故事, 并给你名字.

在对话框中, 我们会听到斯科特和乔, 他们发现自己在机场休息室里紧挨着等待他们的航班. 斯科特与乔进行对话, 两者展示了您可能会听到的两个旅行者之间的典型互动.


1. 乔和斯科特的第一个话题是什么?
2. 乔提到斯科特表现出对什么的兴趣?
3. 乔和斯科特在谈话中的什么时候自我介绍?

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BEP 188 – 社交: Hosting a Dinner Party 2

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod lesson on hosting visitors. Today, we’re going to look at drawing the evening to a close.

Hosting visitors is a great way to get to know the people you do business with. Sharing a meal and drinks in someone’s home can really help strengthen a relationship. It gives us a chance to get to know people on a more personal level. But at some point, the evening has to end.

在我们的最后一集中, we heard Tanya and Mark hosting Tanya’s business colleagues, Grace and Lee. The group sat down to dinner and had very pleasant conversation about their home, family, and the food.

Today we’re going to rejoin this group. They’ve had a lovely evening, but all good things must come to an end. Grace and Lee are going to draw the evening to a close and express their appreciation. We’ll also hear the hosts and guests invite each other to future social events.


1. Why does Lee say that he and Grace should leave?
2. What does Grace want to do for Tanya and Mark?
3. What does Mark offer to do for Grace and Lee?

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BEP 187 – 社交: Hosting a Dinner Party 1

这是两部分中的第一部分 商务英语课 on hosting a dinner party for overseas visitors.

Have you ever had the good fortune to be invited to someone’s home during a 商务旅行? Perhaps it was a client or a prospective client. Maybe it was a colleague or potential business partner. And have you ever had the opportunity to have overseas visitors in your own home?

These are great chances to get to know the people you do business with. You are engaging with people on a personal level and building better relationships. And it’s important to do that right. The language you use, either as a host or a guest, requires great care.

在今天的课程中, we’re going to hear a conversation among four people. Grace and Lee are on a business trip to their company offices in California. During their trip, they have been invited to visit the home of a work colleague, Tanya. Tanya and her husband, 标记, are hosting a dinner for the two guests.

This is a perfect situation to learn some important aspects of English. We’ll look at how to make people comfortable, how to show interest in others, how to refuse offers politely, and how to show modesty. These are all essential skills when you sit down to dinner with colleagues or clients.


1. What does Grace say is usual on business trips?
2. What is interesting about Tanya and Mark’s home?
3. What is Grace hoping to do if they finish their work on time?

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