BEP 249 – 战略谈判 3: 反对立场

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 战略谈判. 这实际上是我们正在进行的高级谈判系列中的第三部分,是我们在 BEP 中所涵盖的内容的后续部分 241242.

商业是一场竞技游戏, 但公司并不总是必须相互对抗. 有时他们相互合作以形成战略伙伴关系. 通过联合力量,他们通常可以比单独工作赚更多的钱.

但建立良好的伙伴关系并不容易. 它涉及聚在一起并制定出对双方都有意义的安排. 这意味着两家公司都必须付出一些才能得到一些东西. 这种让步是在战略谈判中确立的, 这就是我们今天要看的. 我们将介绍一些有用的谈判技巧, 包括布置一个开放位置, 提出反立场, 并强调交易破坏者. 我们还将介绍如何使用战略试探性并提出战略威胁.

你可能还记得, 讨论围绕一家名为 Sigma 和 NVP 的美国汽车零部件公司展开, 日本经销商, 谁正在努力建立战略伙伴关系. 先前, 我们听到 Sigma 的 Mike 与他在美国的同事制定了谈判立场. 现在他要和丽莎通话, 谁是 NVP 的首席谈判代表. 通过这次谈判, Mike 和 Lisa 正试图与 NVP 达成协议,在亚洲分销 Sigma 的产品.

您会注意到的一件事是 Lisa 是一位非英语母语人士,带有亚洲口音. 作为普通听众, 你会知道我们喜欢给你带来各种口音, 因为这就是如今的国际业务听起来的样子. 也许和听不同的母语口音一样重要, 正在听非母语口音. 毕竟, 您可能经常发现电话另一端或会议桌对面的人与您一样不是英语母语者! 让我们知道您的想法 在网站上发表评论.


1. 丽莎强调交易的哪一部分对她的公司至关重要?
2. Mike 希望在业务的哪些方面分担成本?
3. 对话结束时迈克说了什么让丽莎担心?

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4 thoughts on “BEP 249 – 战略谈判 3: 反对立场”

  1. One thing you’ll notice about the BEP 249 dialog, is that Lisa is voiced by a non-native English speaker with an Asian accent. 作为普通听众, 你会知道我们喜欢给你带来各种口音, and perhaps just as important as listening to different native accents, is listening to non-native accents. Let us know what you think by posting a comment below.

  2. I think it is a very good idea to bring in non-native speakers sometimes. But for me as an intermediate level learner, Lisa still sounds very close to native speakers. In imagining real business situations, I want to have more significant variation of sounds such as by Indians, Africans, and Frenchmen whose English are sometimes very difficult to get at.

  3. Excellent analysis Osamubut I think Monika is actually responding to Simone’s earlier comment about Mike, so she is trying to stop the discussion turning into a pointing match. Earlier Simone said, well”¦ I’m a bit concerned by some of the things I see here Michael. Which indicates she might be about to directly criticise Mike. As we explained more fully in the debrief:

    Simone says that Frank “passed on,” or sent, Mike’s email update. And she says she’s a “bit concerned.” It’s clear that she is more than “a bit” concerned, and there’s an indication that she thinks Mike hasn’t done a great job.

    Mike wants Simone to be more specific. He would like to defend himself if necessary. But he doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because Monika interrupts. She doesn’t want anyone to be “pointing fingers,” or saying who is at fault. She’d rather talk about what happened and what to do.


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