BEN 23 – PC的尽头?

BEN 23

学习 商务英语词汇 以及用于描述趋势和技术的搭配 商务英语新闻 最近个人电脑销量下滑的教训.

不久前,我们中的许多人还可以指望每三年左右就会拥有一台新计算机. 硬件和软件升级突飞猛进, 消费者和企业寻求用闪亮的新盒子替换过时的机器. 然而, 正如《福布斯》所解释的那样, 事情发生了巨大的变化: “个人电脑出货量下降 14% 尽管推出了 Windows,但仍同比增长 8. 虽然微软及其粉丝可能还不想承认这一点, 视窗 8 失败了. 未能产生新的销售是糟糕的; 个人电脑出货量加速下降的趋势是非常可怕的。”

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2 关于“BEN”的想法 23 – PC的尽头?”

  1. PC market would shrink regardless of Windows 8 success or flop. Most users already own powerful enough computers that they have no need to upgrade. However I do agree that Windows 8 失败了, but I see it differently. I think Microsoft demonstrated arrogance and stupidity by pushing controversial tablet OS on the PC. This step enraged its customer base. The customers who either tried new Windows or were forced to buy it with new computers will now avoid any mobile device with Modern UI like a plague because of their negative experience on PC. This is a big win for Android and iOS and big flop for future Windows mobile. Microsoft will survive on the desktop since they can easily bring Start Menu, users will stay with Windows 7 or buy menu replacements applications from third party.. But Microsoft dreams of being a player in mobile are now shattered and they must go back to drawing board. The sooner they realize this epic flop, 更好.


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