BEN 18 – 奥运事务

Business English News - The Olympics

在这个 商务英语新闻课, we take a look at the economic aspects of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortiuswill be in full force this year as London hosts the 30th Olympic Games. 然而, it won’t be just the athletes trying to go ‘higher, faster, stronger’, but also companies poised to rake in the dough in what many hope will be a financial windfall.

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4 关于“BEN”的想法 18 – 奥运事务”

  1. @Coco, The PDF transcripts for our BEN lessons are free to download. Just use the “免费资源” links at the bottom of the page (right-click to download and save to computer).


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