國內生產毛額 03 商務詞彙 – 辦公室主管

Today’s podcast continues our series on business vocabulary, with a special focus on collocations or word partnerships. By focusing on words that are commonly used together you can improve your vocabulary and also your ability to understand your English-speaking colleagues.

當你想到 “office administration”, what are the first things that come to mind? They might be things like paperwork, 備案, copying, and other boring and repetitive tasks. Most people probably don’t think of an office manager’s job as a crucial service that supports the successful running of a company and, 所以, its ability to make money.

出色地, today we’re about to meet Thomas, who’s going to tell us about the role he plays as office manager at the Mexican subsidiary of a multinational chemical company.


1) How does Thomas summarize his role as Office Manager?
2) What characteristics does Thomas list as important qualities of an office manager?
3) According to Thomas, what is a common misunderstanding about the best way for an office manager to do his job?

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BEP 97 – 談論經濟

在本商務英語播客課程中, 我們將研究一些短語和詞彙,您可以用來討論經濟和經濟問題, 包括發聲和使人安心.


沒有達成協議, 沒有合同簽訂, 兩個人或兩個公司之間沒有生意可做. 一切都發生在本地關係網絡的背景下, 區域性, 和全球規模. 這些價格和生產的關係形成了所謂的 “經濟。” 學習經濟的人 – 經濟學家 – 喜歡指出, 例如, 巴西大豆價格會影響中國肉類價格. 這也難怪, 然後, 各地商人最喜歡的活動都在談論經濟. 只有了解我們開展業務的經濟環境,我們才能在其中有效運作.

今天的對話在Kendal Marcus舉行, 高檔服裝和配飾的全球零售商. 零售商將商品出售給最終客戶; 配件是指諸如珠寶和皮帶之類的東西 “配飾” 服裝. 在上海旅行中, 馬丁, Kendal's的副總裁, 正在訪問Tony Wu, 中國區經理.


1) 馬丁為什麼要來中國?
2) 托尼對經濟前景是否樂觀, 那是未來, 在中國?
3) 馬丁有什麼樣的擔憂?
4) 托尼如何向他保證?

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國內生產毛額 02 – 人力資源: 培訓經理

In the second part of our new ESL podcast series on business vocabulary, we continue with the topic of 人力資源 (人力資源) by looking at useful language and collocations to describe the role and responsibilities of a training manager.

In this fast-changing global world, everything is moving. To make a successful business, it’s not enough just to follow yesterday’s trend. Companies and people need to constantly acquire new skills to succeed in tomorrow’s marketplace. This means driving new training initiatives to enhance performance. 然而, not all training is equally successful. To ensure training effectiveness, it’s important to track results and to have standard criteria for measuring outcomes.

在這個播客中, we’ll listen to Andrea, a training manager, describing her function and responsibilities. Afterwards, we’ll study some key vocabulary. Then we’ll practice what we’ve learned.


1) What kind of training programs does Andrea run?
2) Does Andrea work with vendors? What for?
3) What do the five letters in SMART stand for?

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國內生產毛額 01 – 人力資源: 人力資源經理

Today we’re kicking off a new series of ESL business vocabulary podcasts based on people talking about their jobs. In these episodes, we’ll learn vocabulary and language that are useful across a wide range of different professions and industries.

In this podcast we’ll hear an HR manager, Greg, describe his work and responsibilities. Afterwards, we’ll study some key vocabulary. In particular we’ll be focusing on how words are collocated, or used together. Then we’ll practice what we’ve learned.

When we think about human resource managers, many of us just think of hiring and firing, but actually, as Greg explains, the job involves a lot more than that. HR handles everything from job evaluations to settling disagreements between workers and management.


1) What type of employment programs does Greg develop and manage?
2) Are there several HR managers or only one in Greg’s company?
3) Greg says that HR managers play a special role in companies that are unionized. What is this role?

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BEP 74 – 英語慣用語: 商業就是戰爭 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on English idioms related to war.

Everywhere you look in business, you will find the language of war: We often thinkand talkabout business competition in terms of attacking and defending, gaining and losing ground.

During the first business ESL podcast in this series, we studied many such war and military related idioms. We learned the meaning oftaking flak,” “reinforcing one’s position,” “laying low,” “making a moveand many others. 在這個播客中, we will continue exploring useful war idioms.

The dialog picks up where we left off at the Luminex management meeting. Jane has just explained that they need to thinkstrategically.He explains that this meanslaying low,” by which he means waiting to take action until the economy improves.

當你聽, pay attention to the war idioms Jane and her colleagues use. You may not understand them the first time. After you hear the debrief, go back and listen again, then things should be much clearer.


1) What does Jane mean when she says their competitor, Meyers, is its own worst enemy?
2) The speakers describe their new strategy as anambushthat willsurroundMeyers. Why do they say this? What is the strategy?

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