Wiadomości Business English 37 – Brexi

Wiadomości Business English 37 - Brexi & EU Referendum

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that the people of the UK woke up on June 24 to learn that they had voted in favour of leaving the European Union, otherwise know as Brexit. After an emotional campaign, 33.5 million votes were cast in the referendum with 17.4 million voting for Leave, i 16.1 million for Remain. Months of warnings from both camps focused on both the political and economic ramifications and rewards.

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Wiadomości Business English 34 – Gospodarka współdzielenia

BEN 34 - Gospodarka współdzielenia

Whether it’s ridesharing with Uber, lending your power drill to a neighbor with Peerby, taking advantage of a home exchange with Airbnb, or dozens of other examples, the so-calledsharing economyis firmly established in our daily life. While the concept has been in place for some time, numerous enterprising groups have found a way to make the most of the current economic environment.

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Wiadomości Business English 32 – Wojny walutowe

Wiadomości Business English 32 - Wojny walutowe

W dzisiejszym Lekcja Business English News, we look at how countries are using competitive devaluations of their currencies to stimulate economic growth.

It’s been a wild ride since the global economy welcomed in the New Year, and the scale of global easing that’s taking place has stunned investors. On average, an interest rate has been cut somewhere in the world once every 3 dni, catching everyone off guard. If 25 countries cutting rates since the start of the year wasn’t proof enough, this week’s warning from Janet Yellen about the dollar’s strength confirmed that the world’s top central banks are fighting a currency war.

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Wiadomości Business English 28 – Ożywienie w strefie euro

Strefa euro-Flaga

W dzisiejszym Lekcja Business English News, przyglądamy się sytuacji w Europie, gdy strefa euro zaczyna się ożywiać. Od czasu wyjścia z najdłuższej w historii recesji zeszłego lata, ożywienie w strefie euro zostało w najlepszym razie stłumione. Chociaż ostatnie raporty wykazują pewne pozytywne oznaki, przed regionem wciąż daleka droga do rozwiązania niektórych nierównowag some.

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