BEP 92 – Angielski dla sprzedaży: cechy, Zalety, Korzyści (lub Prezentacja FAB)

For today’s Business English Podcast lesson, we’re going to focus on theclassic salesapproach to selling products and services. This approach is based on explaining the features, attributes and benefits of your products using theFABtechnique.

The FAB technique is useful for people working in the manufacturing and retail tradeanyone who has to present products. W szczególności, we’ll look at how this approach can be applied in the Merchandizing business. Merchandizing is the trade name for businesses involved in the design and manufacture of clothing and household items.

W oknie dialogowym, we rejoin Marco and Francesca on their trip to a fashion trade show in the U.S. Ich towarzystwo, Viva, has just created an exciting new line of clothes. With the help of their American partner, Fokstrot, they are hoping to get a couple big sales contracts with U.S. department stores.

The listening takes place in the Foxtrot showroom. We’ll hear Francesca speak to a potential customer, Bill, who is a buyer for Bancroft’s, a retail chain store that targets professional women.

Pytania do słuchania

1. What is the key feature of Viva’s fall colors this year? Can you name some of the colors?
2. Why is the Viva Professional line more expensive?
3. As described in the dialog, what are the main benefits of Viva’s clothing line?

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