
English lessons on international business culture from Business English Pod. Learn about business english culture and cultural differences.

BEP 150 – 다문화 팀에서 일하기 (부분 2)

This is the the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

요즈음, working with people from different cultures is quite common. You might be meeting with colleagues in another country or on another continent. Business practices vary all over the world. Some cultures are more formal than others. Some have distinct customs regarding greetings, gender roles, and food. So it’s helpful to know as much as possible about other business cultures before you meet your team.

But even if you’ve done your research carefully, problems can still arise, especially in face-to-face meetings. There can be miscommunications, points that need clarification, and different ideas of what’s acceptable in a business environment.

오늘, we’ll look at issues like slang and idioms, concepts of time, forms of address, and misunderstandings due to culture. We’ll also discuss opening interactions and explaining different business customs.

마지막 에피소드에서, we met Cao Ming a U.S.-based manager at a multinational company. Originally from China, Ming has worked in New York for many years and is now headed to Brazil where he’ll lead a research team. He did some background reading and discussed Brazilian culture with a colleague before he left. 지금, he’s heading his first meeting with his new Brazilian team.

듣기 질문

1. What are two idioms Ming needs to explain?
2. What suggestion does Carla make at the beginning of the meeting?
3. Why does Felipe mispronounce Ming’s name?

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BEP 149 – 다문화 팀에서 일하기 (부분 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

오늘날의 세계에서, it’s common to work with people from different cultures. And since effective business depends on clear communication, it’s important to consider different aspects of culture. Your colleagues may do business differently than you do. 그래서, knowing more about intercultural communication can help your work go more smoothly and avoid any misunderstandings.

이번 에피소드에서는, we’ll go over some points to consider for working in a multicultural team. We’ll look at general business culture, specific business customs, levels of formality, and local cultural awareness. And since food is often served in business settings, we’ll talk about that, ~도.

We’ll be listening to, a manager at a biotechnology company based in the United States. Although Ming is originally from China, he has worked for many years at the head office in New York and is now heading to Brazil to manage a team of international researchers. 이번 에피소드에서는, Ming is preparing for his trip by talking to a colleague, Tanya, who lived and worked in Brazil for 3 연령.

듣기 질문:

1. What has Ming heard about Curitiba?
2. What does Tanya say about relationships in Brazil?
3. What honorary title does Ming ask about?

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BEP 61 – 비즈니스 미팅에서 미국 스포츠 숙어

This is the first in a series of Business English Practice Pods that review and extend the language that is covered in the regular podcast. Practice pod dialogs will revise key language but in different situations. 또한, they give you more opportunities to practice what you’ve learned.

We’ll hear several idioms from 스포츠 숙어 1 (BEP 57) 과 2 (BEP 58) being used in a new context in today’s dialog:

to play ball
to stall for time
to keep/have one’s eye on the ball
to step up to the plate

We’ll see how these idioms are useful in a different context, a business meeting. After the dialog, we’ll hear some further example phrases and then have a chance to practice using these idioms. 젠, Ken and Ryan of Ambient are in a marketing meeting discussing Accent’s recent buyout of Telstar.

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BEP 58 – 워터 쿨러 Chitchat: 스포츠 숙어 (2)

스포츠 숙어 2, 비공식 대화 또는 소규모 대화에 중점을 둔 시리즈의 일부입니다. – 워터 쿨러. 우리는 지난번에 중단 한 곳에서 계속 BEP 57. 얀과 젠, 주요 미국 통신 회사 Ambient의 직원, 업계의 최근 이벤트에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다.: 악센트, 유럽 ​​통신 회사, TelStar를 인수했습니다, 앰비언트의 미국 경쟁자 중 하나.

마지막으로, Jen은 TelStar가 공을하기로 결정한 것에 놀랐다는 것을 방금 논의했습니다., 그것은 협력이다, 주주가 있었기 때문에 악센트 “시간이 걸리는,” 또는 지연, 몇 개월 동안. 얀은 어떻게 대답 하는가?

듣기 질문

1) McConnel은 누구이며 Jan과 Jen은 그를 어떻게 생각합니까??
2) Jen과 Jan은 미국 시장에서 Accent의 미래에 대해 무엇을 말합니까??

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BEP 57 – 워터 쿨러 Chitchat: 스포츠 숙어 (1)

이 비즈니스 영어 팟캐스트 수업은 사무실 물냉수대 주변에서 나누는 전형적인 잡담을 들을 수 있는 지속적인 시리즈의 첫 번째 수업입니다.. 전 세계 사무실에서 정수기를 찾을 수 있습니다. – 주로 직원들이 모여 커피나 차를 마시며 업무를 마치고 휴식을 취하는 휴게실에 있습니다..

그리고 이 쉬는 시간 동안, 동료를 만나 인생에 대한 이야기를 나눌 수도 있습니다, 당신의 직업, 너의 회사, 스포츠, 정치든 뭐든. 그래서 “워터 쿨러 치챗” 사무실에서 이루어지는 모든 유형의 비공식 의사소통을 지칭하게 되었습니다..

Jan과 Jen의 이야기를 듣겠습니다., Ambient 같은 사무실에서 일하는 사람, 미국의 통신회사, 워터 쿨러 주변에서 수다를 떨다. 그들은 최신 업계 뉴스에 대해 토론하고 있습니다.: 악센트, 시장의 주요 유럽 플레이어, 방금 Ambient의 주요 경쟁사를 인수하거나 매입한다고 발표했습니다.,텔스타.

듣기 질문

1) Do Jan과 Jen은 Accent가 TelStar를 인수한 것이 좋은 생각이었다고 생각합니다.?
2) 인수가 지연된 이유?

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