925 영어 레슨 30 – 시간과 날짜에 대해 말하기

유튜브 영상

오늘의 925 영어 비디오 수업, we’re going to learn how to talk about times and dates in English.

If you’re like most people in business, every day is scheduled down to the minute. We’ve all got meetings, 타임라인, tasks, and deadlines to worry about. And it seems like our phones are constantly buzzing with calendar notifications.

To keep these complex schedules up to date, we often have to ask people when something is going to happen. An easy way to do that is with the word “언제,” like “when is the meeting?” That could mean either the dateor calendar dayor the time. So if you need to be more specific, you might ask “at what time is the meeting?” Or “what’s the date for the meeting?"

925 English is a course of 영어 비디오 초보자를위한 수업 (CEFR 레벨 A2). 와 925 English videos you can learn business English expressions and phrases to use at work.

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