VV 13 – Financial Crisis and Global Economic Meltdown

유튜브 영상

오늘 뉴스는 금융 위기와 경기 침체에 대한 이야기로 가득합니다. 이 위기의 복잡한 문제로 인해 완전히 새로운 어휘가 생겨났습니다. 그래서, 오늘 우리는 뉴스에서 매일들은 언어를 탐구 할 것입니다.

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8 thoughts on “VV 13 – Financial Crisis and Global Economic Meltdown

  1. How have you been affected by the economic crisis? What about your company? What’s the situation like in your country?

    Share your experiences and join in the discussion.

  2. Our company has been hit hard, only 40 capacity is utilized. A lot of staff were laid off. Morale went down a lot, all people are worried about future. They have no confidence for company future.

  3. Благодарствую!!! На Вашем сайте часто появляются очень интересные мысли! Очень поднимаете мой настрой.

  4. Please stop exagerrating things. There is a large economic downturn every 20-25 연령. We always bounce bad stronger; look at what happened after the great depression.

    My only worry is it looks like it is getting much worse under Obama. After he took office the stock market dropped much faster and unemployment skyrocketed. Plus we now have the largest debt ever and it just keeps getting bigger under himwe might be in for a hard time.

  5. We have all experienced economic problems in our lifes, so for the whole world to be experiencing it now, should not be a new thing. And please, it is not as if since its Obama that is on the throne that caused the finicial distress. America is one amongst the finicially bouyant countries in the world, so the strategies employed by the Govt should be given a chance. We in africa, and the rest of the world are watching, all we need is time for the plans of Obama to rectify the problem. patience and good advice is what we all need now, to manage the affairs of our prospective countries.

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