비즈니스 뉴스 10 – Viacom은 1 10 억 달러

Today we have a Business English News story on a company that’s been in the news quite a bit recentlyYouTube. 특히, we refresh and discuss some of the key vocabulary we covered in our Video Vocab series on the law and legal vocabulary:

비디오 어휘 04 – Basic Legal Terms
비디오 어휘 05 – 법원 사건
비디오 어휘 06 – 상법

PDF Transcript: Study Notes

Download: Podcast MP3

3 thoughts on “Business News 10 – Viacom은 1 10 억 달러”

  1. 핑백: 비즈니스 뉴스 10 (성적 증명서) - Viacom Sues YouTube | Business English Pod로 비즈니스 영어 배우기

  2. articles on this business news topic are perfectly practical, and u can hardly find on any other website for english learning

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