
BEP 62 – Persuasion 3: 満足, 視覚化とアクションステップ

After you have established the need, you then describe the future benefits if your proposal is accepted. This is the…

8月 19, 2007

BEP 60 – Persuasion 2: ニーズの確立

This is the second in a three-part Business English Pod series on presenting your ideas persuasively. In today's Business English…

8月 5, 2007

BEP 59 – Persuasion 1: 注意を引く

In this three part Business English Pod series, we'll be studying Business English language and strategies for persuasion based on…

7月 29, 2007

BEP 48 – Cold Calling: 異論への対応と通話の終了

This is the last in our three-part Business English Podcast series on cold calling. In today's lesson, you'll learn how…

5月 16, 2007

BEP 47 – Cold Calling: メリットの明確化と売り込み

これは、便利な電話とセールススキルに関する3部構成のビジネス英語ポッドキャストレッスンの2番目です。: 勧誘電話.

5月 13, 2007

BEP 46 – Cold Calling: 良いスタートを切る

Today's lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited…

5月 9, 2007