BEP 40 – Colloquio di lavoro inglese: Intervista al primo turno (Parte 1)

La lezione odierna di inglese commerciale sul podcast ESL è la prima di una serie in due parti che segue il candidato William Chow durante il suo primo colloquio presso una banca internazionale.

In questo podcast imparerai come affrontare un tipico primo round Domande di colloquio di lavoro in inglese. Lungo la strada farai anche pratica con alcuni nuovi fantastici vocaboli e frasi utili per i colloqui di lavoro.

Nel dialogo ascolteremo mentre William viene intervistato per una posizione nel dipartimento di sviluppo aziendale della principale filiale di Hong Kong di Mercantile International. Mike Warner, un responsabile delle risorse umane presso Mercantile International Hong Kong, sta conducendo l'intervista.

Più lezioni di inglese per colloqui di lavoro

PDF Transcript

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18 pensieri su “BEP 40 – Colloquio di lavoro inglese: Intervista al primo turno (Parte 1)”

  1. I can’t believe my luck….I have three very advanced students from Europe who have asked me if we can practice job interviews in classall are coming to the end of their university studies, and will be entering the job market, and all will be looking for jobs in financial institutions.
    Your two podcasts on this very subject are perfectthank you for making my job so much easier!

  2. Pingback: Learning Center » BEP 40 ADV - Colloquio di lavoro: Intervista al primo turno (Parte 1)

  3. Ksenia Kharitonova

    Thank you more than much, this is a great piece of work.

    I’m just going to apply for a very good job in an international company, and it’s enormously useful for me.

  4. Thank you for the materials, it’s very useful for me as I’m looking for a new job right now.
    But may I suggest that to have some role play conversation regarding the secretarial or clerical job interviews?
    As I found the materials here are major regarding the management level interviews only, therefore I’m pleased to learn more about some general level job interviews.

  5. Great idea Rebecca.
    We plan to cover different interview scenarios in later podcasts. Additionally we are writing a couple of vocabulary podcasts on administration/back office vocabulary that should also be useful for your particular need.

  6. Thank you for these lessons. They are really very useful.
    I would like to hear a new lesson of this topic with the name: “Phone Screenings”. This is the very first phase of recruitment process, when the recruiter contacts you regarding the position you had applied for or wants to offer a new post. Phone screening has a crucial importance in the job quest because it may generate a first interview and lead to the job or you might be screened out immediately from he crowd of candidates.
    I think it would be useful for everybody who is looking for a job. Saluti, Laszlo (from London)

  7. Another great idea. Thanks Laszio!
    We’ve been brainstorming a few of our own ideas on job interviews too, and we’ll definitely be releasing more podcasts on this topic in 2009.

  8. Pingback: Class 3.07 « My Blog

  9. First of all I’d like to express my deepest thanks to the whole group of BEP.
    It’s really worth listening to these podcasts.

  10. A perfect analysis. Worth listening and learning from it. Grazie! I wish i were an employee there.

  11. useful and help me a lot.
    I am going to apply for english-speaking company, and this post provide terms help me a lot.

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