Vocab vidéo 04: Loi 1 – Vocabulaire anglais juridique de base

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Dans cet épisode de Video Vocab, nous allons examiner le vocabulaire de base lié à la loi. Ceci est le premier d'une série en trois parties: partie 1 couvre les termes juridiques de base, partie 2 examinera des mots liés à une affaire judiciaire et une partie 3 se penchera sur le vocabulaire lié au droit commercial.

Vocabulaire clé:
1. Loi (civil, criminel, Contrat, propriété, confiance, délit, constitutionnel, administratif & international)
2. Avocat (AmE = avocat, BrE = Solicitor)
3. La défense
4. Poursuite
5. Cas

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BEP 45 – Socialiser: Poursuivre une conversation

This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last time you learned ways to start and finish a conversation appropriately. Today you’ll be studying how to keep a conversation going by maintaining interest.

The listening continues on from dialogue 1 from last time: Comme vous vous en souviendrez, it takes place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a global producer of health beverages. Penny””an HR officer from Kuala Lumpur””has struck up a conversation with George””the regional learning and development manager. Where we left off last time, Penny had just used a tag question”-Interesting speech, wasn’t it?" – to help get the conversation started.

Pendant que vous écoutez, essayez de répondre aux questions suivantes. The answers will be posted in a few days on the Quiz d'écoute page.

1) Near the beginning of the dialogue, Penny changes the subject. What was the old subject and what is the new subject?
2) Where has Penny seen George before?
3) What is George’s hobby?
4) What does George mean when he says “It’s not really such a big deal.”
5) Is Penny going to join George in next year’s event?

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BEP 44 – Socialiser: Entamer une conversation

Today’s Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on the basics of social English: starting a conversation, keeping it going, and finishing it appropriately. Successful conversation is an important part of networkingthe skill of building up a network of contacts and relationships.

Dans cette leçon, you’ll be learning skills and language for starting and finishing a conversation appropriately. In the next, you’ll practice how to keep a conversation going.

The conversations take place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a major global producer of health beverages. A beverage is a drink.

You’ll hear two dialogues. En premier, Penny, an HR officer from Malaysia, strikes up a conversation with George, the Asia-Pacific learning and development manager. “To strike up a conversation” means to start a conversation, usually with someone you don’t know too well.

In the second dialogue, Tapoter, an HR officer from Australia, then tries his best to strike up a conversation with George.

Questions d'écoute:

1) What office is Penny from?
2) What does Penny think about the speech?
3) Have Pat and George already met?
4) Does George have time to talk to Pat?

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Actualité économique 09 (M4a amélioré) – Reebok lance une campagne publicitaire

Il s'agit d'une version améliorée du premier podcast intermédiaire Business English News sur la nouvelle campagne marketing de Reebok.. Vous pouvez désormais afficher des images et du texte liés à l'article sur votre ordinateur ou votre iPod vidéo. (vous devriez également pouvoir voir les images sur la plupart des lecteurs vidéo MP3 et des téléphones).

Pour télécharger un ensemble de notes d'étude pour ce podcast, faites un clic droit’ sur ce lien, sélectionnez la cible de sauvegarde, puis choisissez le dossier de votre ordinateur dans lequel enregistrer le fichier.

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Actualité économique 09 – Reebok lance une campagne publicitaire

Today we’re introducing our first Business English News podcast for intermediate listeners. This will now be a regular show with new episodes each month. Most of the time, we’ll cover a similar topic to the current Advanced Business News podcast but the articles and vocabulary will be simplified to make them more suitable for intermediate learners.

The topic today is marketing and, en particulier, Reebok’s new advertising campaign and slogan.

Vocabulaire clé:
1. to launchto release a new product
2. Ad campaigna campaign is an organized series of activities and Ad is short for advertising.
3. to motivateto get people interested in something
4. take a swipe at somethingtake a hit at something or to make fun of something.
5. slogana short memorable phrase used to promote a product.
6. strategya plan or approach intended to achieve a major aim or goal.
7. competeto try and win a game or to gain an advantage over somebody.
8. competitorsother companies that Reebok is competing against.
9. purportedlyto claim to do or say something.
10. ties to something – Connexions.
11. celebrity endorsera famous person who publicly promotes a product.

This weekend we will also release an enhanced MP4 version of this podcast with text and pictures.

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