
For Business English Pod (BEP) Member support please use the contact form on this page or email: éditeur [à]

Veuillez inclure votre nom d'utilisateur BEP si vous êtes déjà membre. Si vous contactez BEP pour un problème technique, veuillez fournir le plus de détails possible (type de fichier / URL / message d'erreur, etc.). Si votre demande d'assistance concerne l'une de nos applications mobiles, veuillez fournir votre dispositif détails et le TU (c'est à dire. Apple ou Android) et le Nom de l'application (on a 5 application mobile).

If you would at any time like to change the information in your account or delete your account, vous pouvez:
Log in to your account settings here and then click on the account deletion request link and follow the onscreen instructions.
Contact us using the contact information provided above.

Upon your request to terminate your account, we will delete your account and information from our database. Please note, this information refers only to accounts created on the Business English Pod website. It is not possible to create an account in our mobile apps for iOS and Android, only on this website. The login page in ourBusiness English by BEPapp is only for members who have accounts on the Business English Pod website.
