Vocab wideo 05: Prawo 2 – Sprawy sądowe

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This is the second in our 3-part Video Vocab series on the law. Today we focus on the vocabulary used to describe the actions and people involved in a court case.

Słownictwo kluczowe:
Court case, próba, judge, jury, witness, pozwany, innocent, guilty, plea, testify, deliberate, verdict, convict, sentence, fine & prison sentence.

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Vocab wideo 04: Prawo 1 – Podstawowe słownictwo języka angielskiego prawniczego

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W tym odcinku Video Vocab przyjrzymy się podstawowemu słownictwu związanemu z prawem. To pierwsza z trzyczęściowej serii: część 1 obejmuje podstawowe pojęcia prawne, część 2 przyjrzy się słowom związanym ze sprawą sądową i cz 3 przyjrzy się słownictwu związanemu z prawem handlowym.

Słownictwo kluczowe:
1. Prawo (cywilny, kryminalista, kontrakt, własność, zaufanie, tort, konstytucyjny, Administracyjny & międzynarodowy)
2. Prawnik (AmE = prawnik, BrE = Solicitor)
3. Obrona
4. Oskarżenie
5. Walizka

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BEP 45 – Towarzyskie: Prowadzenie rozmowy

This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last time you learned ways to start and finish a conversation appropriately. Today you’ll be studying how to keep a conversation going by maintaining interest.

The listening continues on from dialogue 1 from last time: Jak będziesz pamiętać, it takes place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a global producer of health beverages. Penny””an HR officer from Kuala Lumpur””has struck up a conversation with George””the regional learning and development manager. Where we left off last time, Penny had just used a tag question”-Interesting speech, wasn’t it?” – to help get the conversation started.

Jak słuchasz, spróbuj odpowiedzieć na następujące pytania. The answers will be posted in a few days on the Listening Quiz page.

1) Near the beginning of the dialogue, Penny changes the subject. What was the old subject and what is the new subject?
2) Where has Penny seen George before?
3) What is George’s hobby?
4) What does George mean when he says “It’s not really such a big deal.”
5) Is Penny going to join George in next year’s event?

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BEP 44 – Towarzyskie: Rozpoczynanie rozmowy

Today’s Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on the basics of social English: starting a conversation, keeping it going, and finishing it appropriately. Successful conversation is an important part of networkingthe skill of building up a network of contacts and relationships.

W tej lekcji, you’ll be learning skills and language for starting and finishing a conversation appropriately. In the next, you’ll practice how to keep a conversation going.

The conversations take place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a major global producer of health beverages. A beverage is a drink.

You’ll hear two dialogues. Na początku, Penny, an HR officer from Malaysia, strikes up a conversation with George, the Asia-Pacific learning and development manager. “To strike up a conversation” means to start a conversation, usually with someone you don’t know too well.

In the second dialogue, Poklepać, an HR officer from Australia, then tries his best to strike up a conversation with George.

Pytania do słuchania:

1) What office is Penny from?
2) What does Penny think about the speech?
3) Have Pat and George already met?
4) Does George have time to talk to Pat?

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Wiadomości biznesowe 09 (Ulepszona M4a) – Reebok uruchamia kampanię reklamową

This is an enhanced version of the first intermediate Business English News podcast on Reebok’s new marketing campaign. Now you can view pictures and text related to the article on your computer or video iPod (you should also be able to see the images on most video MP3 players and phones).

To download a set of study notes for this podcast ‘right-clickon this link, select save target and then choose which folder on your computer to save the file to.

PDF Transcript: Study Notes

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