925 영어 레슨 20 – 영어로 조언 요청 및 제공

유튜브 영상

오늘의 925 영어 비디오 수업, we’re going to learn how to ask for and give advice in English.

Everybody needs a little help sometimes. And when you need help, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for advice. Maybe you ask a friend or colleague, or maybe you ask a boss or mentor. 어떤 경우 든, I want to give you some good ways to get advice.

One nice way is to ask for advice before you explain your problem. 예를 들어, you might say “I was wondering if you could give me some advice?” Or, if the person already understands the situation, you can just ask “What do you think I should do?” Or maybe “What do you think I should say?"

925 영어 과정입니다 English video lessons 초보자를위한. 와 925 직장과 비즈니스에서 사용할 비즈니스 영어 표현을 배울 수있는 영어 수업.

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