기술 360 – 목표 달성 (부분 1)

다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 비즈니스 영어 능력 360 for the first part of our series on achieving your goals. 이번 에피소드에서는, we’re going to focus on setting SMART goals and effective goal management.

지금, when I talk about goals, I’m talking about any kind of goal. It could be a personal goal, like improving your sales pitch, or an organizational goal, like expanding successfully into new territory. The basics are the same and these tips apply to goals of any size or scope.

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5 '스킬'에 대한 생각 360 – 목표 달성 (부분 1)”

  1. Setting the goals is not just important but a basic need to achieve anything. We should try to correct our slip-ups in time otherwise achieving goals can be out of reach .

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