925 Inglese – Lezione 4: Parlando del tuo lavoro in inglese

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In quello di oggi 925 lezione d'inglese, impareremo a parlare del tuo lavoro.

Ci sono molte situazioni in cui incontri qualcuno di nuovo e vuoi parlargli del tuo lavoro. Forse te lo chiedono, o vuoi solo presentarti. Quindi come si fa? Do you just say “I am a salesman” and that’s it? No, devi aggiungere qualcosa in più.

925 Inglese è un nuovo podcast di inglese commerciale per principianti. 925 Le lezioni di inglese si concentrano su pezzi di lingua ed espressioni inglesi che puoi usare nel lavoro e negli affari. Ogni 925 Lezione di inglese include frasi inglesi che puoi usare in diverse situazioni e consigli sul perché e su come le usiamo Inglese commerciale.

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925 Inglese – Lezione 3: Come mantenere una conversazione in corso

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In our last 925 lezione d'inglese, we had a look at how to start a conversazione in inglese. In questa lezione, we’re going to learn how to keep a conversation going and how to end it.

There’s no point in striking up conversazione with someone if you can’t keep it going. Ma cosa comporta? intendo, it’s more than just asking and answering questions, destra? Così, what kinds of things can we say or do to make the conversation flow naturally? BENE, one important way that we keep a conversation going is by showing interest in what someone says. Besides learning how to keep a conversation going, we’ll also look at language for showing interest, changing the topic and ending the conversation.

925 Inglese will be a new business English podcast for beginner and intermediate learners. 925 English lessons will focus on chunks of language and English expressions that you can use in work and business. Ogni 925 English lesson will feature English phrases you can use in different situations and advice on why and how we use them in Inglese commerciale.

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925 Inglese – Lezione 2: Avvio di una conversazione

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In quello di oggi 925 lezione d'inglese, we’re going to learn all about how to start a conversation in English.

Sometimes we call starting an conversazione in inglese “breaking the ice.” You can think of the “ice” as that initial silence between people. It could be between strangers on a plane or coworkers in a lunch room. And when we “break” the ice, we say something friendly to start a conversation. Quindi come si fa? Che ne dici? And what topics are best?

925 Inglese will be a new business English podcast for beginner and intermediate learners. 925 English lessons will focus on chunks of language and English expressions that you can use in work and business. Ogni 925 English lesson will feature English phrases you can use in different situations and advice on why and how we use them in Inglese commerciale.

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925 Inglese L001 – Come dire ciao (video)

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This is the video version of our first 925lezione d'inglese, a new series we’ll launch next year. Our first 925English lesson is about how to say hello to colleagues and customers in English. We look at three different situations: How to greet someone you don’t know, how to respond to a greeting and how to informally greet a colleague or friend. For each situation we provide lots of examples and you can practice the language with some short role-plays.

925English is a new business English series for beginners and lower intermediate learners that we’ll launch early next year. 925English lessons will focus on chunks of language and English expressions that you can use in work and business. We’ll look at language you can say in different situations and advice on why and how we use it.

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925Inglese – Lezione 1: Come dire ciao in inglese

925Lezione d'inglese 1 - Come dire ciao in inglese

This is a preview lesson from 925 Inglese, a new series we’ll launch next year. Abbastanza opportunamente, we’re kicking off with a 925 lezione d'inglese on how to greet and say hello to colleagues and customers in English.

925English a new business English series for beginners (CEFR A1-A2) and lower intermediate (B1) Studenti di inglese. 925 Le lezioni di inglese si concentrano su pezzi di lingua ed espressioni inglesi che puoi usare nel lavoro e negli affari. We get straight to the point with lots of examples. We give you phrases you can say in different situations and advice on why and how to use them.

Così, it’s pretty easy to greet someone in English, non è vero?? We can say “good morning” or “hello” or just “hi.” And we might add something like “my name is Tim Smith,” or a question like “how’s it going?” But what’s the difference? How do we choose which greeting to use? BENE, in affari, like in life, it depends on the situation. That includes who we’re talking to and where we’re having the conversation. So let’s go through three situations and practice some appropriate ways of saying hello.

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