925 Lezione d'inglese 44 – Phrasal Verbs with Drop

925 English Lesson 44 - English Phrasal Verbs using Drop

Bentornato a 925 Inglese per un'altra lezione sui verbi frasali in inglese. In today’s lesson we’re going to look at phrasal verbs using the verb “drop.”

As you may already know, a phrasal verb is an expression with a verb and a preposition. Per esempio, we say “turn on” and “turn off” a light or computer. From these common examples, you can see that one verb might combine with different prepositions to make different meanings. And in this lesson, we’ll look at how different prepositions combine with the verb “drop” to form some common expressions.

925 L'inglese è una serie di Video inglese lezioni per principianti (Livello QCER A2). Con 925 L'inglese lo puoi imparare inglese commerciale espressioni e verbi frasali.

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