925 Lezione d'inglese 27 – Utilizzo delle domande per chiedere dettagli

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In quello di oggi 925 Video inglese lezione, we’re going to learn how to use questions in English to ask for details.

It would be great if everyone always told us exactly what we need to know. But it doesn’t usually happen. When we want detailed information, we need to go out and get it. And that means asking people questions.

You can confirm information with simple yes / no questions, likeDo you sell printers?” O “Are you the manager?” But I want to start by looking at questions that get different kinds of information, not just ayes” O “no” answer. And one of the best ways to get information is with WH questions. We have five WH words in English: who, che cosa, Dove, Quando, e perché. You might also usehow,” which has awand anhbut not in that order.

925 Inglese è un corso di video in inglese commerciale lezioni per principianti (Livello QCER A2) Studenti di inglese. Con 925 Lezioni di inglese puoi imparare espressioni di inglese commerciale da utilizzare nel lavoro e negli affari.

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