Negoziati riusciti

English for Negotiations eBook, features over 4-hours of MP3 audio lessons covering business English skills of negotiating in English. Each lesson is accompanied by a detailed set of PDF study notes, compresa una trascrizione completa, vocabulary notes and explanations, and language review exercises. L'apprendimento è rafforzato da una vasta gamma di quiz e attività online che esaminano tutta la lingua e il vocabolario trattati nel corso.

English for Negotiations

  • Key points to consider for negotiations
  • Tactical and strategic concerns
  • Vocabulary for describing negotiations
  • Establishing relationships with the other party
  • Starting off the negotiation and setting the agenda
  • Clarifying and evaluating positions
  • Declining an offer while maintaining goodwill
  • Bargaining and trading concessions
  • Restarting talks and overcoming obstacles
  • Closing the deal
Sample MP3 Sample PDF

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Negotiations eBook
Audio Lesson
Online Quizzes
Complete Set/ZIP
Strategy (Parte 1)
Strategy (Parte 2)
Building Relationships
Starting Off
Evaluating Positions
Rifiutare un'offerta
Restarting Talks
Chiusura dell'affare

7 thoughts on “Successful Negotiations

  1. It’s very helpful to improve negotiation skills.
    I wish you publish the financial business skills ebook in the future.

  2. It’s very helpful to improve negotiation skills.
    I wish you publish the financial business skills ebook in the future.

    nad management english too

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