Compétences 360 – Comment dire non (Partie 1)

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Pourquoi est-ce si difficile à dire “non”? Bien, bien sûr tu veux être poli, et gentil, et agréable. Et si c'est votre patron qui vous demande quelque chose, vous pouvez craindre de perdre des faveurs ou des opportunités. Et si c'est un client ou un client qui demande quelque chose, vous pourriez ne pas vouloir ruiner la relation.

Mais ce que je veux vous dire, c'est que dans de nombreux cas, vous devriez dire non. Et tu devrais savoir comment le dire. Vous devez être clair, raffermir, et honnête.

Questions de discussion

1. Avez-vous généralement du mal à dire “non” quand quelqu'un te demande de faire quelque chose?
2. Qui avez-vous le plus de mal à dire “non” à?
3. Pourquoi pensez-vous dire “non” peut parfois être difficile?

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3 réflexions sur « Compétences 360 – Comment dire non (Partie 1)”

  1. 1. Most of time, refusing someone’s requirements is a little hard for me, even though I’m reluctant. So this article is a good topic for me to learn some important points for refusing agreeablely.
    2. Bien, for my relatives or my superior leaders, I always fail to say “Non”.
    3. Each of us want to be polite and agreeable, and do not want to shut the door in his/her face when they are asking you to help them out of a difficult situation. Also fearing that we would lose a good relationship.

  2. 1,quelquefois, saying “no” to someone is very difficult for me. Especailly when my friends ask me to do something I don’t want to, it is really hard for me to say no. because I think refusing them will harm our relationship. D'autre part, I’ve no idea about how I can make it.
    2,Saying “no” to my friends and my boss would be the most difficulty thing to me.
    3,Because we have too many things to care about. We are not being clear, firm and honest enough. This article teaches me a lot. Next time when I want to say no, I would speak it out firmly.

  3. Saying No Skills are very usefull, but refusing is alway a risky thing, since it depends much on the personality of the person to whom you say no.

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