Neue Version jetzt verfügbar – Business-Englisch-App

EIN new version unserer Business-Englisch-App is now available in the app store in the App Store: Herunterladen / Aktualisieren

To update your app, open your App Store app on your device and go to the ‘Updatestab. Tap the ‘Updatebutton next to the BEP app entry and your app will start updating.

Version 1.1 includes the 2 most requested features:

1. Ability to play/listen to audio when the device screen is locked.
2. Ability to play/listen to audio when the app is running in the background (dh. when another app such is open on your screen).

How to Restore your Previous Purchases After Upgrading

To restore any previous purcahses after upgrading, go o the “mehr” tab (…), tap thepurchasestab at the top of the screen and then taprestore” Taste. Login as prompted with the same iTunes account you used to make your purchases. After you’ve logged in and authenticated with Apple, a list of your previously purchased transcripts will appear on the screen. On each lesson page, the green button text will change fromBuy this transcript” zu “Show transcript”. Tapping showShow transcriptwill display the full transcript as normal.

NB. While you can restore your previous purchases, it is not possible to restore previously downloaded MP3s or favorites. These will need to be re-downloaded or added.

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