BEP 88 – Telefonieren: Buchung eines Reisetickets

Booking tickets on the phone is a basic part of business travel. In diesem intermediate Business English Podcast, we will practice useful phrases and language for making travel arrangements on the telephone.

Viva is an Italian manufacturer of ladiesapparel, or clothing. Marco and Francesca, Viva employees, are on a business trip. After visiting customers in the UK, they are now heading to Las Vegas in the United States to meet with their American distributorthe company that sells their product there. Marco calls a travel agent to book tickets for them.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1) When does Marco want to leave and when does he want to return? Will he and Francesca be flying first class, business class or economy?
2) Does Marco ask the travel agent tohold the fareor does he pay for it immediately?
3) Does Marco need to pick up his and Francesca’s tickets at the travel agent’s office?

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  1. Really helpfulthis website is perfect to students who like to study by themselves.

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