Wirtschaftsnachrichten 05 – Virtuelle Meetings

How do you conduct your meetings? Face-to-face, am Telefon, by videoconference or maybe even using VOIP/Skype? Gut, now there is a new way – virtuelle Besprechungen, or meetings where participants are represented by computer generated characters.

Listen to how IBM is using the virtual world of a website called Second Life as the next best thing to in person corporate meetings. After listening to the article, we’ll highlight some of the new vocabulary and provide definitions and further examples.

PDF Transcript: Study Notes

Download: Podcast MP3

2 thoughts on “Business News 05 – Virtuelle Meetings”

  1. I think your site is great and very very helpful for students. I have a question: How can I download previous podcasts, such as this one (Wirtschaftsnachrichten 05) using ITunes. Apparently I can only download it using Quick Time, but then I don’t have it into iTunes library.
    Thanks a bundle

  2. Pingback: Virtuelle Meetings | Baker Street School

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