Compétences 360 - Présentations: Connexion avec votre public (1)

Business English for Connecting your Presentation to your Audience 1

Bienvenue à nouveau au Compétences 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience during a presentation.

You’ve probably heard all sorts of advice about delivering a good présentation. But at the end of the day, every single presentation strategy is designed for one thing: connecting with the audience. En fait, if you don’t connect with your audience, you might as well pack up your PowerPoint and head home. You need to build a bridge to send your message across. No bridge, no message. And don’t think you need to be an easy-going extrovert to connect with an audience. This is something that you can learn to do well.

Free Resources: Lesson Module | Quiz & Vocab | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3
