En este podcast de inglés de negocios, we’re going to look at delivering an elevator pitch.
A sales pitch is a presentation designed to introduce a product or service in order to convince people to buy it. An elevator pitch is a very short presentation designed to do the same thing in 60-seconds or less and often the “producto” being presented is tú. An elevator pitch should be short enough that you could complete it during an elevator ride. A key point being that you’re not asking the person to do something for you, you’re telling them what you can do for them.
En la lección de hoy, we’ll be listening to two pitches. First up is Jonathan, a university student visiting a job fair in search of his first job. Then we’ll hear Dominic, a manager for a logistics company, make his pitch to a potential customer while attending a local Chamber of Commerce meeting.
Preguntas de escucha
1) What does Jonathan highlight as his key strengths in the first dialog?
2) En el segundo diálogo, how does Dominic get Graham’s attention?
3) What’s the key advantage of Dominic’s company?
Download: Podcast MP3
it is very good. but can you design some different situations based on which we can exercise those words learned in the original situations. doing those kind of word exercise in the same episode did not get perfect result.