Category Archives: Travel

BEP 96 – Dining Out

In this intermediate Business English Podcast we look at business meals and the language of ordering food in a restaurant, describing dishes and paying the bill.

In the listening, we continue to follow Mario and Francesca, who represent the Italian fashion company Viva, on their visit to the U.S. As planned, they are having dinner in Las Vegas with their distributor Adriana, who works at the American company Foxtrot. Bill, one of their new customers, has also joined them.

When the dialog begins, the group has already made some small talk and looked at the menu. Now they are ready to order.

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BEP 80 – Travel: Checking In to a Hotel

In this Business English Podcast lesson, we will focus on the language and vocabulary you can use both for checking in and for enquiring about hotel services whilst checking in.

This episode follows on from BEP 79 Travel: Reserving a Hotel Room, in which Sarah Johnson called to reserve a room at the Majestic Hotel in New York. Sarah has now arrived, and she is ready to begin her stay.

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Study Notes

Phrases & Practice
BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Quiz

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Gap-fill

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Dialog & Vocabulary

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Language 1

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Language 2

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Language 3

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Language 4

BEP 80 INT – Hotel Check-in – Flashcards

Listening Questions: BEP 80 INT – Travel: Checking In to a Hotel

1) When she reserved the room, Sarah asked for a dinner reservation. What is the name of the hotel’s restaurant? Which floor is it on?

2) What do guests need to bring with them to the fitness center?

3) How does Sarah pay for her room deposit?

BEP 79 – Travel: Making a Hotel Reservation

Today’s Business English Podcast lesson is on making a hotel reservation.

It’s something all of us need to do: Whether it’s for a company business trip, or for personal travel – we all need to, at some time or another, call a hotel to reserve a room. Of course, making reservations is not only useful for hotels but also for all sorts of situations – conferences, restaurants, airplane travel, and any other type of event that requires us to book in advance.

That is the skill that we will be practicing in this episode – making reservations. Along the way, we’ll also be learning vocabulary for staying in hotels.

In the listening, Sarah Johnson is going on vacation with her husband. She calls the reservations desk at the Majestic Hotel in New York, where a staff member, Tony, picks up the phone. As you listen, pay attention to the language Sarah uses, and try to answer the following questions.

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Study Notes

Phrases & Practice
BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Quiz

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Gap-fill

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Dialog & Vocabulary

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Language 1

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Language 2

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Language 3

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Language 4

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Language 5

BEP 79 INT – Reserving a Hotel – Flashcards

Listening Questions: BEP 79 INT – Travel: Making a Hotel Reservation

1) What kind of room does Sarah want?

2) What extra request does Sarah have?

3) Tony makes a mistake while taking Sarah’s reservation. What is it?