Monthly Archives: March 2010

BEP 156 – Socializing: Networking (Part 2)

Networking is all about people and connections. You never know when someone you meet at a conference or trade show may be able to help your business in the future.

In this lesson, we’ll focus on ways to steer a conversation toward a lead. We’ll also cover ways to shoot for a meeting and be persistent. And we’ll look at the other side with ways to politely leave a conversation.

Premium Members: Study Notes | Online Practice | PhraseCast

BEP 155 – Socializing: Networking (Part 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on networking.

Networking often involves approaching people you don’t know, which can be a little awkward. How do you network in a way that seems genuine? In this lesson, we’ll look at ways to approach people. We’ll also cover greetings and introductions, 10-second elevator pitches, and talking about your industry.

Members: Study Notes | Online Practice | PhraseCast

BEP 154 ADV – Motivating Your Team 2

This is the second in a two-part lesson on motivating your team.

There are many strategies you can use to motivate people. One way is to reward them. This reward can be emotional, such as acknowledgement or praise for a job well done. Or, it can be more concrete, like a cash bonus or a prize.

In this lesson, we’ll look at motivation through rewards. We’ll discuss how to acknowledge your team’s efforts and give praise. We’ll also look at how to introduce challenges, friendly competition, and incentives. Finally, we’ll talk about some ways to finish up a meeting so that your team feels energized for the work ahead.

Members: Study Notes | Online Practice | PhraseCast