BEP 202 – Meetings: Expressing Opinions - Informal/Direct


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BEP 202 - Audio: Informal/Direct

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Dialog 2 - Informal/Direct

Ok, now let’s listen to George, Bruce and Walt walk into the break room right after the meeting. Sheila, their boss, is not here; this is a more informal situation.

Bruce: Hey guys, did you see the Chelsea/Liverpool game last night? Quite a game, huh? Chelsea looked pretty good!

Walt: You always have to , don’t you Bruce. You know I’m a Liverpool fan.

Bruce: How about you, George?

George: , that was one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen. But the way you guys keep telling the boss we can finish the product by May, none of us are going to have time to watch any more football games. We’re all going to be working every night, !