BEP 202 – Meetings: Expressing Opinions


Gap-Fill Dialog Completion Exercise

Listen to the dialog again using the MP3 player on the right. You can pause the dialog at any time. As you listen, fill in the gaps with the words/phrases you hear in the dialog. Then press "Check" to see if you answered correctly. You can use the "Hint" button to get the next letter in a word. But watch out - you will lose points if you ask for too many hints!

BEP 202 - Audio: Formal/Careful

Click the play button to start listening to the dialog. You can pause the dialog at any time.


Click here to play the MP3 in a new window


Dialog 1: Formal/Careful

Sheila: So, let’s to the topic of release date. Gentlemen, when do you think we will be able to launch this product? Walt?

Walt: Well, I to feel that... we should probably be able to start testing the product in April. That means that if all goes well, we can have a first release in May or June.

Sheila: I see. Thank you Walt. What’s your to that Bruce?

Bruce: May or June...Well, from my point of view...that sounds about right.

George: Excuse me, may I come in here? I wonder if I say something?

Sheila: Go ahead, George. What would you like to ?

George: Well, it seems to me that May is much, much too early. , we are still have some pretty major problems with in the update engine, and I just don’t see how we will be able to...